1.Feeling shaking INSIDE BODY BUT CANNOT BE SEEN , YANKING FORWARD /sideward Feeling. Automactically shaking body to and fro .
2.When sitting there can feel vibrations/resonating feeling
3.Always swallowing hearing sound in ear like in plane. Bubble bursting in water
4.Feeling ears are closed all the time.
5.Heaviness in chest , tying knot pull downward
7.Scared of fainting all the time
8.If any thing done fast then palpitation and shaking more
9.Sometimes feeling that everything coming close
10.Heaviness in nose bridge
12.When in bus/car when apply brakes or turn I feel pressure and pulling of the vehicle in throat area.and chest area.
Throat symptoms
1. feeling there is tightness in throat area. feeling heavy as if someting is there.
2. when swallowing need to make extra effort not going normailly
3. when normally sitting/talking there is suddenly a pull inside the throat area,and thumping sound
Sometimes big thumping sound and throat area becomes tight till chest area
4. always feeling some heavy is hanging in upper throat area.
5. automatic swallowing when not eating and ears pooping sound in the head and throat area
7.when swallowing sound click heard in throat area as if htiiting some bone.
8. always feeling pulling in bothsides from head area downwards.
9. at night feeling chill and fever but no temperature.
10 feeling blowing sound in ears.
I feel that my heartbeat is all over my body....and is beating so strong that when I sit still my body rocks to my heartbeat.
I also have internal tremors and I feel like my heartbeat and the tremors or vibrations are linked to the heartbeat. When my heartbeats I feel an earthquake feeling too when I'm standing still.
I feel like as if someone is shaking my chair or someone is shaking my bed while sleeping. I also have random twitches and muscle spams.
I notice this sensation more when I pause or rest. so this means that the tremor/vibration/beats are occurring 24/7.
There is always vibrating feeling in body. Always body is twitching.
Feeling sharp pricking pain in left side lower part chest area.
Feeling uneay and tight pulling in left side upper part chest area
Pulling in chest, TIGHTNESS
When travelling in bus when bus jerks forward to move there is very hard pressure or pull in chest area
When taking blood presuure also after few seconds there is sharp jerk pull turning /twitch in middle chest area.
Fluttering in chest area . feeling heartbeat in middle of the chest.
Sudden twitchs in arm legs stomach chest, shakes body hardly
When walking no strength shaky feeling.
Sudden blood rushes arm legs stomach chest.
Sharp pain in the upper left side chest area/ right side. Like pricking.
When sitting feeling chest area pushing up heaving uncomfortable and stomach swelling feeling.
When sitting chest becomes down and heaves up as going to burst.
Muscles in chest area, throat area tigten automactically becomes heaving as if tied knot.or turned inside and pressing inside. When doing any activity can feel swelling in chest and lower chest area.
Also bulging gas every time
Sometimes there is heavy pull inside chest and stomach and gas bulges then little ok feeling.
After eating/drinking feel something is stuck in lower chest area and blocking and need to drink water stand up and walk. When walking also chest are has tightening feeling. Lower chest area tighten. As if weight is pulling down inside. Folded inside feeling.