Burning, stinging arms when I go asleep. - Thyroid UK

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Burning, stinging arms when I go asleep.

GrettaG profile image
15 Replies

I do not get much sleep as my arms and hands start stinging and burning. I take a Pregabin tablet but it wears off after about 5 hours. I am now falling asleep whilst sitting on the settee because I am so tired out. My arms and hands go burning and stinging in the chair too! Please can anyone help?

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GrettaG profile image
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15 Replies
Heloise profile image

Hi Gretta, it's a known fact that hypothyroid people are also inclined to have carpal tunnel syndrome and this appears possibly the beginnings of it. I don't know what the mechanism is but it may stem from pinched nerves in the cervical vertebrae. I usually go to You Tube and see if anyone has come up with solutions that help. Are you being treated for hypo and if you are, have your tests been better than normal?

GrettaG profile image
GrettaG in reply to Heloise

I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. It seems to be perphral nerves. Since I started taking pregablin, my left arm is much better and it is mainly in my right arm and only at night.

Hello Gretta,

Welcome to our forum and sorry to hear that you are having some problems.

Dr Lowe explained how many hypothyroid patients suffer carpal tunnel syndrome. The association is due to myxodema and a connective tissue abnormality (increased hyaluronic acid) - which causes nerve 'pinching'.


A nutrient deficiency which are common in people who suffer thyroid issues could cause burning, stinging and unusual symptoms as also could low thyroid meds.

Do you have a thyroid condition and if so are you medicating?

If you have any recent thyroid hormone or iron//vitamin test results, please post complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment.

Low thyroid hormone can also be a major cause of anxiety. If you are medicating thyroid hormones, ensure to take them well away from food, supplements or the Pregabin.


This link explains Vit B12 defificiency


This link explains the importance of supplementing for people with thyroid issues.


linnet2014 profile image

Hi - long ago I went through he'll with something similar.

As soon as I lay down this terrible burning, tingling, stinging started in both arms and fingers. It went on for months.

At one stage it was so bad I did not sleep for 10 days.

Tried sleeping in a chair but could sit while awake but within minutes of falling asleep it was back.

Was on massive doses of sleeping tablets/painkillers etc but nothing let me sleep through it.

Wore wrist splints, had tablets to increase circulation, every neurological test known to man kind.

Nothing helped.

My chiropractor was convinced it was not my neck - although that had been suggested.

After a terrible time and quite by accident she realised it was coming from my spine - directly between my shoulder blades.

Gone in an instant !

Over the last 20 odd years I have had minor recurrences - easily fixed at the start by my chiropractor.

For some reason it only kicked in as I relaxed into sleep - would go away during the day - which meant all investigations came up blank.

By the end of it my hands had started to curl into claws if I tried to sleep.

Dragon1949 profile image

Hi please someone correct me if I am wrong. I have CMT and suffer nerve pain wherever it pops up over my body. I took gabapentine for many years and was changed to pregabin when they first came out. I was given to understand that both drugs had to be taken on a regular basis and that it takes several weeks before you get full benefit. Myself I take one in the morning and one at night and touch wood have no nerve pain or electric shocks. It might be worth your while to check on this.

I used to have cortisone injections for carpel tunnel. Getting no sleep ,aches and pains etc. After putting all my symptoms on here, I was given so much wonderful advice. I printed off the replies and took to my doctor who was insisting my thyroid was in normal levels. When he read the replies he agreed to do all the tests and then actually said as if I.didnt know " I'm sorry to tell you that you have a low thyroid " lol. I just looked at him and said really lol. so if you are unsure print off all the info and take back to your doctor. I started on 25 levothyroxine and then went to 50 and then put my results of the next blood test on here and was told I still wasn't on enough Meds so I printed off clutters reply and marched off to the doctors with these replies and he agreed to up my med again. I am now on 100. I feel really well and it is only because of this fantastic site.

My advice is 1 check the pregabin , and two print off the replies when you put all your symptoms on here ,for the excellent advice you will be given. Don't think the doctor knows best because believe me the admin guys on here are much more clued up on these issues than the doctors or endos.

Thank you guys fo all your time and knowledge in helping people like us. xx

GrettaG profile image
GrettaG in reply to Dragon1949

Thanks Dragon1949. I have had a low thyroid for nearly 10 years and presently take 75 mg of levothyroxine. However, about 14 months ago I was awakened with severe stinging and burning in my arms and I was very frightened as I live alone. I exercised my arms until I was able to attend my doctor and all she gave me was Lyrica 75mg pregabalin. One tablet wears off after 5 hours and 2 tablets are too strong and make my head woozy. I am under the NHS service in the UK and health care can be poor. I have made another appointment with my GP as I am totally exhausted all the time. Thanks again. GrettaG

MariLiz profile image

I have the same symptoms, but mine extends to my legs and rib cage. It was discovered that I have low B12, and since getting the injections it has improved, but hasn't gone completely. So as I also have underactive thyroid and fibromyalgia I am not sure which condition it is linked to. Might be worth getting your B12 checked? MariLiz

GrettaG profile image
GrettaG in reply to MariLiz

Thanks for your post. I have already been checked for low B12 and mine is Ok. I have now bought a soluble B-active tablet from my local chemist which supplies the full range of vitamin B. that is B1, B2, B5, B6, and B12. GrettaG

Mimie profile image

Hello Gretta, i so sympathise with you as i experience the same, only in my feet and knees. I get burning on the arch of my feet and just above the patella and it's at night that it disturbs me. It make sleep miserable. I have low grade pain and tingling sometimes too, not too much of a bother when I am active but horrible at night. All so unpleasant. I have had a frozen shoulder and the other one is giving me problems too now. I was diagnosed with hashimoto in 2012. It's been a rough ride ever since and have never felt right.

I am so sorry I cannot offer any advice as my gp is totally unhelpful. but I do understand as a fellow sufferer, believe me. It's is hard to feel normal, I thought I was alone with these symptoms.

I hope you can get some help from other members, I'll keep looking too. Good luck xx

GrettaG profile image
GrettaG in reply to Mimie

Thanks for your reply, Mimie. My doctor is pretty useless as well. I am taking 75mg Lyrica Pregabalin but it wears off after 4 or 5 hours. Two tablets makes my head too woozy. I do not have hashimoto so I seems like your pain is worse. I live alone and I just was wakened one morning with severe stinging and burning in my arms. I phoned for an emergency appointment but it was 2 or 3 hours before the stinging stopped to allow me to drive. Good Luck and my deepest sympathy. GrettaG

Mimie profile image

Thank you, Gretta. Let us know how you get along sometimes and if you find some helpful hints that works for you. I'm going to try these B12 vitamins. Got to try it all! I wish you improvement soon. Xx

GrettaG profile image
GrettaG in reply to Mimie

I have not been on this site for a long time. However, although I still get burning in my arms at night, I have found that 75mg of pregablin

at night and reduction to 50 mg in the morning is regulating the burning sensation in my arms. I am still taking soluble vitamin B in water once per day.

Mimie profile image
Mimie in reply to GrettaG

Hi GrettaG, thank you for letting me know about this medication. Is it prescribed by your doctor? Mine, after saying none of my symptoms had to do with thyroid, sent me for lots of bloods test as she said: "it's something else". Some inflammatory marker was up ( got a frozen shoulder) and vitamin d down. Got weekly vit d 20 000 to take, the guilty one?? And antiinflammatoty (naproxen). So far a little better but not much. I've taken 5htp for about 6 weeks and has helped me to sleep better, and when I have a good night, and cope better but it's still a bother. Have you taken this for a while now? Glad it's a little better for you.

GrettaG profile image
GrettaG in reply to Mimie

Yes, Pregabalin tablets are still working for me. I can now get a fuln nights sleep without being awakened with burning, stinging arms. I was taking 75mg at night and 50 mg in the morning. I asked the Doctor to reduce the morning strength as it was going up to my head. My left arm has cleared up completely and I only get a faint burning in the elbow of my right arm when I awaken. You also need to get your blood checked for vitamin B12 to see if you have enough. I hope to be able to reduce my dose of pregabalin but I think it is going to take a while. Best of luck. Gretta G

GrettaG profile image
GrettaG in reply to Mimie

Thanks for your replies. I have not been on here for a long time. Pregabalin tablets are still working for me and yes this was prescribed by my doctor. I am still eating a healthy diet and try to fit in all foods containing each vitamin B. I sometimes awakin with stinging in my arms after 4 hours sleep. I know a good diet can be slow as my late husband had MS and he was eating all foods good for an MS sufferer. (It was something different which killed him unfortunately.) I probably told you I have Peripheral Neuropathy and I only have burning arms at night. I hope you are keeping better and have a nice Christmas. GrettaG

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