Does anyone suffer from liver problems I've just had a call from doc to get more bloods taken including lft again as it was abnormal.
Liver blood test: Does anyone suffer from liver... - Thyroid UK
Liver blood test
Hi fion
I started with odd lft only about 2 1/2 months ago. It was my Gamma gt that was at 202 instead of a max of 39. I had about three of the same test before they did my Ferritin 3341 range 13-200. I am now waiting on a gene test for Haemochromatosis (iron overload) so ask your GP what is wrong with the test and what's he looking for. Good luck Betty x
I've recently been on some arthritis medication and had what the hospital described as a 'severely abnormal' LFT test result so now off those meds & been for an ultrasound of liver & gall bladder. My GP said that the liver metabolises the medication and as I've been off the meds now for 2 months'ish my liver should have settled down, it's just been something that hasn't agreed with my system. The ultrasound has come back with a normal result & he's sending me for another LFT to be on the safe side. As I understand it LFT's are done as a precaution. Hope yours goes OK,
Take care,
Cath x
HI I have liver disease. All the tests are called lFT`s and very good. If you end up seeing anyone be sure to ask to see a Hepatologist, liver specialist not a Gastro. They are only available at large teaching hospitals.