Newly diagnosed haven't a clue: I am now on 100mg... - Thyroid UK

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Newly diagnosed haven't a clue

sliksmrs profile image
9 Replies

I am now on 100mg of lev has recently been increased. I have no idea what any of this t3 t4 means. Can anyone signpost to some simple explanation of this illness. I have no clue as to what I should or shouldn't be doing. What to look out for etc. I am 54 year old woman

Thanks appreciate the help

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sliksmrs profile image
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9 Replies
HIFL profile image

This page explains the basic terminology you should know:

Marz profile image

The above link takes you to the main website of Thyroid UK where you will find lots of good information....

silverfox7 profile image

Welcome to the forum! Glad you have found us. Advice given, lot to get your head around especially when first diagnosed but we have all been there. So anything you don't understand then please ask and someone will help. If you post your last results and the ranges, usually in brackets after the result and important as they vary from lab to lab, then we can comment on those and it might be easier to explain to you what is happening to you and what sort of readings you are aiming for.

It's useful to get into the habit of asking for a printout of each result, you are entitled to them though there may be a nominal fee to cover paper and ink. That way you can keep an eye on your progress.

sliksmrs profile image

Thanks everyone much appreciated x

saloplass profile image

Personally I would google 'Thyroid Disease' You will get an accurate explanation that way.

Just my opinion - I could try and tell you, but we may have different understandings as a group.

If you google it, then read it, then ask us for our opinions, best wishes

Churchie profile image

I would recommend Dr Peatfields book 'Your thyroid and how to keep it healthy' as a very readable explanation of what is going on.

humanbean profile image

This is a good article :

BeansMummy profile image

I didn't understand any of it either, when I was first diagnosed. I accepted what my GP said, and only started googling and reading as I wasn't feeling great at all. Just take it slowly, there is a lot of information out there (and great advice on here), but it can seem very overwhelming.

lacrandall profile image

Hi. I can empathize with your bewilderment. Here is some info I've been following for myself. Read it all the way through as it covers testing protocols too. Good luck to you!


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Natural Thyroid Treatment Methods: Can They Cure Your Condition?

Published November 11 2011

Updated June 20 2014

Natural thyroid treatment methods have helped many people with both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism restore their health back to normal. However, it’s important to understand that restoring one’s health is not an easy process, as this does involve taking responsibility for your own health. So anyone with a thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition who is looking for a quick and easy cure probably will want to refrain from following a natural treatment protocol, and will want to consider other options.

I personally was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disorder and restored my health back to normal by following a natural thyroid treatment protocol. And since then I have consulted with many people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, as well as hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, and I have seen many of these people restore their health back to normal. What I mean by “restoring their health back to normal” is that after following such a protocol their symptoms subsided and their labs normalized.

What Does A Natural Thyroid Treatment Protocol Consist Of?

There are a few different components of any successful natural thyroid treatment protocol:

Component #1: Eat mostly whole foods and minimize the refined foods and sugars from your diet. For anyone with a thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition, it is extremely important to eat well. Some people want to know what the ideal “thyroid diet” is, but it all comes down to using common sense, and trying your best to minimize the refined foods and sugars from your diet, while eating mostly whole foods. There are some articles on my website which go into some specifics about diet. You also want to drink plenty of purified water, and there are also articles on my website which discuss the different types of water. When first beginning a natural treatment protocol it also is a good idea to avoid the common allergens, such as gluten, dairy, corn, and unfermented soy. With regards to gluten, not everyone needs to avoid this on a permanent basis, but most people should at least consider going on a gluten free trial of four to six weeks, and if someone has a gluten sensitivity they probably will need to avoid gluten for a longer period of times, and sometimes will need to avoid it permanently. And the same concept applies to other food allergens.

Component #2: Improve your stress handling skills. Stress is one of the biggest factors which can trigger a thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, prolonged chronic stress over time will weaken the adrenal glands. Weak adrenals can cause problems with immunity, digestion, and can affect other systems of the body. Second, chronic stress will also directly compromise the immune system. Chronic stress can cause a decrease in secretory IgA, which lines the gastrointestinal tract. A decrease in secretory IgA can make someone more likely to develop a condition such as leaky gut syndrome, which can be a factor with many autoimmune conditions, including Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. While you can’t eliminate the stress from your life, you probably can do a better job of managing it. Most people can benefit from stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or biofeedback.

Component #3: Modify other lifestyle factors. In addition to eating well and managing your stress, you need to modify other lifestyle factors as well. With regards to sleep, you should get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. If you are currently having problems falling and/or staying asleep, then of course it is important to find out the cause of the problem. High cortisol levels at night are a common cause of sleeping difficulties, although there can be other factors as well. Another important lifestyle factor is exercise. However, some people with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions don’t have the energy to exercise. And some people with hyperthyroid conditions need to be cautious about exercising.

Component #4: Minimize your exposure to environmental toxins. There are thousands of environmental toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis, and so it is impossible to minimize your exposure to them. However, many of the toxins people are exposed to are a result of the foods and products they bring into their own home. So buying food that is organic and using products and cosmetics that are natural will help greatly in this area. Sure, it does cost more money to do this, but over the long run it will be well worth it. If you can’t afford to purchase everything organic, then you need to prioritize. For example, if you eat meat then I definitely would recommend buying organic meat to avoid the hormones, antibiotics, as well as the genetically modified grains fed to many animals. It also is a good idea to buy organic fruits and vegetables to avoid the pesticides and herbicides. If you visit the website of the Environmental Working Group website you can see which fruits and vegetables have the highest and lowest amount of pesticides. With regards to cleaning products, at the very least make sure any sprays or creams you use are organic, as you don’t want to inhale anything with chemicals, and some creams include synthetic hormones. The Environmental Working Group also has a cosmetics database called “Skin Deep” where you can perform a search for safer products.

Component #5: Correct any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Eating well will help to correct any nutritional deficiencies you may have. However, eating well alone is usually not enough to correct some of the more moderate and severe deficiencies people have, which is why most people do need to take multiple nutritional supplements while trying to restore their health back to normal. Just as is the case with buying organic food and using natural products, it is of course also important to take high quality nutritional supplements for maximum benefits. Also, remember that more isn’t necessarily better, as while most people do require numerous supplements, I’ve come across many people who were taking way too many supplements. And the goal isn’t to take these supplements on a permanent basis, as after someone restores their health back to normal they might need to take a few basic supplements (i.e. a multivitamin), but for the most part want to obtain most of the nutrients through the food you eat. So you do need to be careful not to overdo it, which is why it’s best to consult with a competent natural healthcare professional.

Component #6: Correct any hormone imbalances. In addition to the imbalance of thyroid hormone, many people will have other hormone imbalances as well. I briefly spoke about the adrenal glands before, as many people have imbalances in the cortisol levels that need to be addressed. In addition, imbalances in the sex hormones are also common. Many people have imbalances in the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, all of which can cause or contribute to a thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition. I have a written a few articles on this, including “Estrogen Dominance and Natural Treatment Solutions“, and “Can Estrogen and Prolactin Be The Main Triggers of Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?“

Component #7: Look at BOTH symptoms and tests. Even though one can’t rely on symptoms alone, it still is important to see an improvement of the symptoms. After all, one of the main goals for the person following the natural thyroid treatment protocol is to feel better. With that being said, one also needs to look at the appropriate tests. Of course the thyroid blood tests are important to look at, and so anyone with a thyroid or autoimmune thyroid disorder will want to look at the TSH, Free T3 and T4, thyroid antibodies, and perhaps other tests such as the reverse T3. Other blood tests might also be necessary, such as tests for Vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, ferritin, methylation tests such as MTHFR, etc. Just remember that blood tests don’t tell the entire story, which is why other tests might be necessary, such saliva testing for the adrenals and sex hormones, testing for mineral imbalances, an intestinal permeability test, etc.

So these seven components are essential for anyone looking to restore their health while following a natural treatment protocol. However, there can be other factors I didn’t mention which are important to look at, such as pathogens. I discussed this more in an article I wrote entitled “The Role of Pathogens In The Development of Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis“.

What Should You Specifically Do For Your Thyroid Or Autoimmune Thyroid Condition?

Whether you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, or hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, you might be wondering what you specifically need to do for your condition. Well, of course you do need to pay attention to the factors I described above. But with regards to which tests you should receive, what supplements you need to take, and which foods you should specifically eat and avoid, this does vary with each person. This is why it is recommended for people with these conditions to consult with a natural healthcare professional who focuses on endocrine disorders. While it might be tempting to self-treat your condition, if you’re looking for optimal results, then it really does make sense to consult with an expert.

How do you find a competent natural healthcare professional who focuses on endocrine disorders? While I personally have a great deal of success helping people remotely (providing they have already received a physical exam from an endocrinologist or a different type of medical doctor), some people prefer to speak with a doctor face-to-face. If this describes you, then the best advice I can give you is to contact some of the local naturopaths, chiropractors, and holistic medical doctors in your area, and find out if any of them focus on endocrine disorders. If you look hard enough there is a good chance you will find a doctor within driving distance who can help you.

In any case, I hope you found this information to be valuable. For those who are interested in following a natural treatment protocol and don’t mind consulting with someone remotely, I have put together an affordable program for both people with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, and a separate program for those with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I discuss this program in more detail at the end of my free webinars on natural thyroid health. If this is something you might be interested in please send an email to with the subject line “Natural Thyroid Program”, and she’ll send you a link to a recorded webinar presentation so you can find out more about this. On the email you send to Cindy please list which condition you have so she can send you the appropriate webinar.

Also, if you haven’t already signed up for my free 46-page guide entitled “The 6 Steps On How To Treat Graves’ Disease & Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Through Natural Methods”, I highly recommend for you to do so, as this actually provides 100% content, and does not promote any product or service. You can obtain this free guide by simply putting your first name and email address in the opt-in form on the right side of this page, and then click the “Submit” button. The guide will be sent to your email within a few minutes, and will provide you with even more information that can help you restore your health back to normal by following a natural thyroid treatment protocol.


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