As if we didn't know that already :
Science proves vaccines cause disease - nutriti... - Thyroid UK
Science proves vaccines cause disease - nutrition is the key to a long, healthy life

Look at the measles outbreak that is well on it's way. Kids need their vaccines or many will die and the deadly epidemics will be back and that has killed millions of the years.. Typhoid, Polio etc..
No, faith, measles is not deadly. And it was on its way out before they invented the vaccine. And I think you'll find that true of lots of diseases BIg Pharma has created a vaccine for, although the vaccine gets the credit. And Big Pharma gets more money! Besides, it's not the basic concept of vaccines that is wrong, it's the dreadful toxic materials they put in them, like mercury.
This link is just a few i have found that say, that there are no toxins in vaccines. Dr. Mercola and doc's like him makes big bucks scaring people. Grey..something i found out after seeing a self pay, alternative medicine Dr...he wouldn't return phone calls..i had to make an appointment and pay him, to get an answer about a medicine or supplements he wanted me to take!!! It's all about money, everywhere, they are all a bunch of lying crooks, out to prey on those who are ill and desperate..i don't know what to believe anymore.
You're perfectly right! It is all about money, not about making people better. As they say, Big Pharma doesn't make cures, it makes customers! So, for that reason, I will continue to believe that there are toxic ingrédients in vaccines - and I'm so glad I don't have to make the décisions for my children anymore! You can't trust anyone these days.
I am glad those days are over too..making those decisions. But, you have to admit that the vaccines stopped those dreadful epidemics. How could you not believe that?
What dreadful epidemics??? When did you last hear of an 'epidemic' of measles? How could I believe it when I know that most illnesses they've now come up with a toxic vaccine for were on the way out, anyway?
Having the illness as a child gives the person life-long immunity, which vaccines don't, leaving adults at greater risk if they catch it later in life.
....and of course Docs bury their mistakes :-0
A lot of vaccines like for the measles or the flu are not necessary. We actually need to fight infection to get stronger. don't forget that a lot of doctors and specialists are paid huge commission by pharmaceutical companies to promote these treatments without even testing the side effects let alone know them. They also tell their patients they are taking a risk by not getting vaccinated, which is absolutely untrue. The reason why you have many epidemics in the word is due to poor nutrition and unsafe water as well as no access to proper health care. A healthy person, for example, does not need a flu vaccine.

Except if like my husband you have no spleen then your ability to fight infection is gone, he is on permanent antibiotics. He must have vaccinations and so must I so I don't pass anything on.
I wonder whether the writer of that article would give this advice to the population of Sierra Leone and Liberia who will soon be offered a vaccine for Ebola.
Well, a) that's not quite the same situation as he's writing about, is it, and b) how many people will die or be harmed by that vaccine? As I said above, it's not the basic concept of vaccines that is wrong, it's the dreadful toxic materials they put in them, like mercury.
I agee with you grey, it is not the vaccines that are wrong but the "fillers".
I also believe it is the vaccination of more than one type at a time. MMR being a prime example and the "unethical dr" who bought up this subject, will one day be found to be correct.
In nature what is the chance of a small baby getting measles, mumps and rubella all at the same time? If the government are really worried let parents have a choice of single vaccine. Me thinks cost comes into this before health.
Yes vaccinate boys against mumps prior to puberty and rubella for girls at just prior to adolescence too.
My GP don't even ask me any longer if I want a flu vaccine or a tetanus shot... What a way to mess up your immune system!