Levo dosage : I'm on 200 levo a day is anyone on... - Thyroid UK

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Levo dosage

Thyroidmeg profile image
14 Replies

I'm on 200 levo a day is anyone on more? I started off on 100 a day then after blood test dr called and said double it and I've been on 200 for years. I'm

Much heavier now but still on same dose . Wondering of 1.3 tsh isn't converting?

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Thyroidmeg profile image
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14 Replies
Clutter profile image

Thyroidmeg, If FT4 is high and FT3 low that usually determines a conversion issue. Most people on thyroxine are comfortable with TSH just above or below 1.0 but some need it lower or suppressed to feel well. TSH 1.3 is surprisingly high for someone on 200mcg, it would normally be suppressed. If you are symptomatic it looks like there is room for a an increase.

Read Dr. A. Toft's comments published in Pulse magazine and if you want a copy for your GP email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org.uk


There is a member on 350mcg but I haven't seen higher although I've read of patients on 800mcg and 1,000mcg because they have thyroid hormone resistance.

gabkad profile image

Do you take it on an empty stomach with some water and then not eat or drink for an hour afterwards?

Coffee reduces absorption by 30%. And there's a while panoply of foods and supplements that reduce absorption.

girl66 profile image

Yep I'm on 350 levo and feeling pretty good now! X

in reply to girl66

Hi, just wondered what your TSH, T3 and T3 readings are? I keep chopping and changing doses and up till last week was taking 50 thyroxine and 75 cynomel, have also tried 150 thyroxine with 75 cynomel. If you're feeling great, maybe I should leave out T3 and increase thyroxine on its own:-)

Its great that its working for you x

in reply to girl66

Sorry, its meant to read TSH, T4 and T3 readings. It's late and my spelling has gone awry lol

girl66 profile image
girl66 in reply to

Well last tests showed free T4 17.4 ( 9-24) and TSH <0.02 . T3 not done.

in reply to girl66

Your TSH looks ok, though T4 could be higher. Be worth asking for a T3 test. Dr Toft said that some people don't feel well until their T4 is as high as 30 and their TSH undetectable. My last tests were in the summer and my TSH was undetectable, T4 down to 15 (from 21), T3 was 5.3 (though am on T3). I felt dreadful and still do. Depends on how your are feeling. If still symptomatic, there appears to be scope to bring your T4 up to top of range and if your converting ok, it would also raise your T3 levels. However, it would be useful to get a T3 reading, to get a full picture.

Jackie profile image

Hi It can happen like that. Only way to know is a tSH, T4 and Free T3 test. most of us find T3 needs to be near the top of range.MY GP not allowed to do them so I pay Blue Horizon, use the finger prick as all DIY. Discount for thyroid if quote TUK 10. Well known Lab to docs.


Chippysue profile image

We are all so different, I take 225 mcgs purified Levo and 1.5 grains of naturethroid



Perri profile image

I am still on 75mg of levo - despite telling Doctor I feel terrible, tiredness all the time & aching joints, depression & brain fog to name but a few of my ' Ailments ' - I have to write a list if I have to go in the garage!

My Doctor refuses to up the dosage, stating that all looked fine & receptionist did not print me out a readout as she said there was no change, so no point, I am at a very low ebb & after walking 2 miles to my surgery to be told this, I had to sleep for a while to recover from feeling so tired, aching & depressed with being made to feel I am wasting their time :/

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Perri

I wonder if you would acquire some levo on your own and increase your dose, and when you start to feel better (hopefully) and your lab tests also look better, it would prove to your GP that it benefits you. Then would he increase your prescription? Even if he won't, you will feel better and it would be worth any increase in expense.

in reply to Perri

So sorry to hear you sounding so defeated. It is just the pits to get so little help when you feel so weak and in pain: sympathies. A lot of us on here arrived here in a similar state.

All you can do is help yourself. As someone else has said, your doctor is ignorant and is not making you well, nor is s/he concerned about that. So you must become your own expert. This forum is a great help with that.

You are entitled to your blood test results (whether the doctor thinks they show anything interesting or not!). Post them on the forum and clever folk (not me!) can interpret them for you.

If you are considering acquiring meds and self-helping (even to an extent) I'm not sure how easy it is to get Levo off scrip. I do know that some NDT is available that way, and you might consider supplementing with that. Again, clever folk on this forum can advise on dosage. I know Thyroid S is available off scrip, cos it is what keeps me going. PM me if you'd like to know about stockists.

Hope you feel better real soon.

in reply to Perri

Hi Perry,

Write to you're gp practise and request your notes for all thyroid tests taken for a specific period of time. I did this and the practice sent me them free of charge - all blood results from 2009. I need the ones before that because I had symptoms long before I was treated and I need a full picture. If you get the actual readings, post on this site and people will respond.

I know what you mean as my gp also refused to up the dosage. Even with a private doctors recommendation, gp still refused to increase it. I increased dosage myself and I base this on my symptoms.


valjo18 profile image
valjo18 in reply to Perri

Hi Perry - I insisted that my doc up my levo even tho my readings were "normal" - mind you my t4 was only 11.5. He did get quite ratty with me but upped the dose anyway. His attitude seemed to be "be it on your own head"! If you are on repeat prescriptions then up it yourself and see how you feel, you'll probably need to break tabs up - maybe take one and a half tabs. I dont think they keep strict records of repeats and just churn them out for signature. If you feel better after a few weeks then go and tell doc what you've been doing! Good luck.

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