Anyone struggle with Low Libido : Im really... - Thyroid UK

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Anyone struggle with Low Libido

Hev-mamoftwo-Hall profile image
39 Replies

Im really struggling with my sex drive, it is getting worse and worse!! Im interested in hearing if anyone else suffers what they do or take to help??

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Hev-mamoftwo-Hall profile image
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39 Replies
TheLadyOfShalott profile image

Yes. Zero libido. I think it's just nature's way of ensuring we don't conceive because we don't have enough reserves for the body to handle a pregnancy. Maca is said to be very helpful, but you have to be aware it is a goitrogen which can interfere with thyroid function. That said, I'm not sure whether it's goitrogen effects are weak or strong. It is an adaptogen so can be very helpful for the body in other ways even if you find it doesn't help with libido.

Spareribs profile image

are you female?

I struggle with my hubby's low libido - I have bought him blue pills, 'Horny goat weed' and allsorts inc. licorice, XMA etc. Steak by candlelight, Oysters... I think it's the effects of wine in his case, lowers testosterone...

It is a recognised thing with hypothyroidism, apparently... here's a search....

Glynisrose profile image

Yes I suffer, I have had no sex drive for a long time now!!

Treepie profile image

A contact said testosterone gel on chest and shoulders took 30 years off . Not sure what his wife made of that. He had persuaded his endo to ask GP to test testosterone level. I mentioned the problem to my GP but got no reaction. Probably thinks at my age it's not an issue.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Treepie

I asked my GP, too. He laughed at me and said, in a very patronizing way, my dear, women don't have testosterone! Just goes to show how much he knows!!! Silly old goat!

Totallysick profile image

Thank you for asking that question. I have been intending to write and ask the same question. I have never had a high sex drive. But the last 3 years,its totally non existant. So at least im not alone with this problem.

Hev-mamoftwo-Hall profile image

Thanks everyone. Yes i am female. I am only 20!! Two kids but since being Diag have nothing, a fellow Hypo said get sex hormones tested, but my GP doesn't even test me for t3 etc so can't see that happening!

I will give this a try, if i can get hold of them. Im In UK

Hypopotamus profile image

What's libido? lol

Hev-mamoftwo-Hall profile image
Hev-mamoftwo-Hall in reply to Hypopotamus

Sex drive

Stourie profile image
Stourie in reply to Hypopotamus

Haven't a clue lol

Hypopotamus profile image

I think you missed the irony! ;-)

yannibenji profile image

You could try taking L-Argine together with Pycnogenol. They act similar to Viagra.

This is a lot of concern to men.

Best of luck.

Hev-mamoftwo-Hall profile image
Hev-mamoftwo-Hall in reply to yannibenji

Where would i get these from, online, chemist? Thanks

yannibenji profile image
yannibenji in reply to Hev-mamoftwo-Hall

Any good health shop or the internet - Amazon have them. If you research these substances you will find that they are both very good for your health. The only caution is that high Arginine may cause cold sores to re appear if you have the virus. Stopping Arginine and/or increasing Lysine will make cold sores go away.

Of course, we must have good overall nutrition to maintain our health.

Inna profile image

You might want to look into your prolactin levels (on 3rd, 6th and 9th days). It might be the one to blame for low libido.

Stourie profile image

I have had no libido since before I was diagnosed hypo nearly 8 years ago

Joyia profile image

It is important to get your adrenals functioning well as lower levels affect hormones beside other transmitters. Have a read Adrenal Fatigue by James L Wilson which can be purchased on Amazon.

I think feeling fat and ugly doesn't help. My partner shows no desire towards me, and I just feel numb. Once you've stopped making love I think it's very difficult to start up again. I was always highly sexed and my sex life was really important. One thing I think most will recocognise is sex is much better when you're not living with someone!

in reply to

'feeling fat and ugly' - yep, you're spot on there Helcaster. Being hypo has meant a total loss of confidence for me as I've gone from slim and fit to fat and bloated.

in reply to

It just makes you inhibited I find. Yes the lack of confidence runs very deep with me, not just about sex, but not bothering to buy clothes, get my hair cut, going out, it's like my batteries are totally run down. It's rotten, but being slim does make you feel more sexy, no doubt about it. X

Hev-mamoftwo-Hall profile image
Hev-mamoftwo-Hall in reply to

Do agree on the later, but my fellas drive seems to of gone up since mine have gone down. Im lucky as i don't struggle with weight gain but weight loss! Im a 8, am fairly happy with my figure but would like to gain a bit and im sure my fella would appreciate it to!

in reply to Hev-mamoftwo-Hall

It's awful Hev- mamoftwo-Hall, when your libido isn't on the same page. It must be nice being so slim though, I wonder if that affects how exhausted we are? If you're heavier it's more effort to move around. I'd be so happy being a size 14. I think curves are good. But I would love a few days being a size 8 :-) xx

Hev-mamoftwo-Hall profile image
Hev-mamoftwo-Hall in reply to

I have curves, id hate to be a stick. I'd like to go up a size, but i am always exhausted. I probably push myself to hard to, constantly on the go with two young kids and now started work again x

in reply to Hev-mamoftwo-Hall

It's so hard to find time for yourself with two children and a job. It's all juggling isn't it! I hope you get there and get healthy! X

Barb1949 profile image

Helcaster that sounds just like I was. The more weight I put on the lower my libido became. Then my husband became ill and lost his so that solved my problem for a while. Unfortunately, he had a terminal brain tumour and after he died I slowly began to realise I was quite missing a sex life. (I was also losing some weight at this time). After three years I met someone and it was like someone switched a light on, I agree that sex is better when you are not living together.

btw My thyroid problems are not sorted out and I have lots of symptoms but at least this one has changed for the better.

in reply to Barb1949

Hi Barb1949, yes the increase in weight doesn't help. My partner has put weight on, he isn't huge or anything, but it's a turn off, so I'm sure he feels the same about me. I just think the excitement of sex runs out very quickly when you live together. It's there on a plate to indulge any time you want, and it's a turn off. I'd rather watch late night horror films! Intimacy if you're not careful goes out of the window.

I'm so sorry to hear you lost your husband, what a traumatic time you must have had.

I'm really pleased that you've met someone else who has revitalised you!! It often happens this way. I'm divorced, I was married for 20 years and had a really dull sex life, then when I had a few relationships I realised there really wasn't anything wrong with my sex drive, I was just so bored before. Going out with a much younger man I can heartily recommend! X

Barb1949 profile image
Barb1949 in reply to

Helcaster, I totally agree about the younger men. My husband was 5 years younger than me. My new young man is only three years younger but he is very young in his outlook which I find , at my age (nearly 65) is the main thing. ( I decided to go backwards when I got to 50 so this Christmas I will be 35 :-) )

Spareribs profile image
Spareribs in reply to Barb1949

what a good idea after 50 - actually you have quite a few good ideas...hmmm...

I suspected there was more to life... somewhere... I did wonder about the label - it really doesn't fit all...

Barb1949 profile image
Barb1949 in reply to Spareribs

Which label was that Sparerib? :-)

in reply to Barb1949

I like your style Barb1949! I find men my own age just so grumpy. You enjoy what you have! A young outlook is very therapeutic to be around. I haven't lied about my age yet but I have noticed people have stopped behaving shocked (in a good way) so that's a bit depressing. The weight is aging. I was on my third stone of weight loss, but I put a stone back on on T3, which I wasn't expecting at all. The way you think about yourself has a huge effect on libido. X

Barb1949 profile image
Barb1949 in reply to

Helcaster, I have struggled for 6 years and lost 9 1/2 stone having gone up to 29 1/2 . When I was diagnosed hypo I was already 15 stone but had put on two stone in the 6 or 7 months previously. I have struggled with this with the help of the hospital dietitian but have completely ground to a halt now.

btw I have a friend in Aberdeen who tells me if he wasn't married..... he tells me I am one of the sexiest women he has met. Mind he's been telling me that for about 15 years, lol. It quite lifts the spirits though.

in reply to Barb1949

You've done incredibly well Barb! My highest was 16st 3llbs but I'd been hypo and untreated for well over 20 years. I did get down to 13st 12llbs but then I was put on steroids and rapidly put on weight, I'm now 14st 10llbs and really miserable. Also I started Liothyronine (T3) 6 weeks ago and I've gained weight with that too which I wasn't expecting. I was taking a combination of NDT and liothyronine, so the dose was overall higher.

I still get a bit of attention, it's mostly my red hair I think, what's left of it. It used to be so thick and curly, now it's so dry and noted. I Haven't cut it because I'm getting older, it's just below my boobs, but it's so unmanageable I am thinking of it.

It's confidence that men find sexy, just owning who you are. Enjoy the attention, it has to give you a boost! X

Excuse typos I can't go back into the text and correct anything, it's been like this for a few weeks now, I have no idea why, it's just on this site :-(

cc120 profile image

Isn't T3 supposed to help with this? Oh and natural progesterone cream?

Barb1949 profile image
Barb1949 in reply to cc120

I thought the T3 was supposed to help as well. Maybe it just doesn't work for everyone.

I tried to progesterone cream but it actually made me itch. Mind there are some very interesting lubricating gels and stuff out there, even in Tesco/Asda, lol.

cc120 profile image
cc120 in reply to Barb1949

The natural progesterone cream I'm trying is from BIOVEA and doesn't make me itch but I'm not prone to skin problems. I believe progesterone cream increases testerone so should improve labido!

NadeNud profile image

I can't help thinking that 'nature' wouldn't want just one partner but as many as bring forth new life!

I also agree about the self-confidence with weight gain but I think we need to try to just enjoy what our bodies give us in the limited time we exist.

Some societies and earlier times saw a fuller figure as a symbol of voluptuous beauty and wealth. It's only a 20th century phenomenon that perceived female thinness as an ideal....and the older we get as women, the harder it is to was even difficult when I was young and constant dieting needs special attention in regards to our nutrition in relation to optimal thyroid function.

I also agree with one of the earlier posts that, after being hypo a few times myself, there is no need for sex when we are not coping so well basic body processes.

Hev-mamoftwo-Hall profile image

You ladies are a good read i hope i have this out look in 40 years! ! I am only on Levo @50mg, so don't take T3? I know i should convert but not sure my body is?

I laughed other day someone said "the teenage pensioner" somes how i feel up ha, (yes im still classed as a teenager, TWEENTEEN)

I will have a look for one or two of the suggested and let you know! I did get n. Yogurt today but i'll save that one till the rest fail ha.

No probs in that department , probably because I am hyper not hypo lol

Barb1949 profile image

Hev, Yogurt worked very well for me the only time I ever got a yeast infection in the nether regions when I was younger. :-)

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