Hi everyone, really want to try NDT or Armour but my doctor said it wasn't available in the UK. I have read that it IS in some pharmacies but no idea which. My question is, does anybody know where I can get some without a prescription online or something? Please inbox me. Thanks.
Natural Desiccated Thyroid?: Hi everyone, really... - Thyroid UK
Natural Desiccated Thyroid?

ML, I do wonder what the GP would say if you said you were going to buy your own of t'interweb, & if a few hundred of us said that too ....
You could also ask around local pharmacies to see if a local GP IS prescribing it, some do obtain NDT on a "named patient basis", or even ask for a private prescription.
Thanks for asking for suppliers by PM inbox only (per guidelines) J
(We can discuss, just not give out suppliers on a public forum, thanks)
This is where you can get NDT in the UK, but you do need a prescription. Some doctors will do a private prescription which you have to pay for plus the medication. GPs can also do a prescription on a Named Patient Basis but many are unwilling to do this as the BTA do not recommend NDT despite it being used for over 100 years safely.
Email me for some research which may help your case with your GP!
Its more easily available then not!! Lloyds chemist usually have some in stock at their central warehouse, Boots do it but they are awfully lazy in getting it!! Most chemists will source it if you give them some notice.
Your gp is an ignoramus
You can get it from pharmarama in the UK with a script. Or you can buy online from abroad without script - which works better for me

Thanks. Any chance you could inbox me where you get yours from online? I am going to ask my doctor as well but just in case he says no.