If I stopped T3 yesterday when will it be out of my system completely.
How long does it take t3 to leave your system. - Thyroid UK
How long does it take t3 to leave your system.

Lexilou, it takes 48/72 hours to reach your cells from your blood so I would guess it will take at least the same amount of time to clear your system. A dose of T3 will clear your blood within 6/8 hours.
Thanks Clutter.
Lexilou, I'm now on Nature-throid, working up slowly to my optimal dose. I started with 1 grain (65 mg) daily, increasing by 1/2 grain every 2-3 weeks, to my present 2 1/2 grains. It's definitely suiting me, but not my pocket, as I'm having to buy it from the USA. But my health is the most important thing.
We're all individual though; what suits me might not suit someone else.
Trixie, I am also under the care of Dr P but have just felt so ill I haven't kept up with doing my diary, will have to get back on it, are you taking nutri Adrenal as well, I know all to well about the cost, I ordered some Armour from the USA the other day, its not just the cost of the tablets you then have to pay customs and the post office I think .
I'm sorry you're feeling so ill lexilou. Could you manage a phone consultation with Dr. P?
I'm taking 4 nutri adrenal extra daily with the nature-throid and am progressing slowly but surely. The cost though is awful; you're right about the charges incurred. I ordered a bigger quantity of nature throid last time as i know it suits me and I'll have to keep taking it, but was horrified when I was charged £45 for VAT and post office charges. The chap at the P.O. said I'd do better to order smaller quantities more frequently.
I'm away tomorrow, but will be here Sunday if you have any more queries. Take care.