i had 2 blood test which shows my tsh level is ... - Thyroid UK

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i had 2 blood test which shows my tsh level is 99.1micro/U/ml.what does that mean?? i'm trying to conciev..would that level of tsh b problem

joshisandy profile image
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shaws profile image

Yes, hypothyroidism does affect fertility. Has your doctor put you on levothyroxine. Your TSH is very high at present and will come down with proper medication. I believe it should be about 2 to conceive.

When you quote blood tests, members are able to comment better when the ranges are included as labs differ.

These are two links, although the links within may not work within the first, and the first two questions deal with infertility and hypothyroidism.



marram profile image

Have you read Hypothyroid Mom's Website? She went through so much heartache because of her underactive thyroid.

Because the mother's thyroid levels are so very important for the baby's development, it is vital that thyroid levels are optimal before conception, and expectant mums who are already taking thyroid hormones, the dosage is often increased for this reason.

Please do make sure that you are having optimal thyroid replacement before you conceive, to give your baby the best possible chance of a healthy life.

This is the website, please do read it, it will help you immensely:


Heloise profile image

sandy, read everything you can about thyroid. Please consider that conventional medicine seems to have stopped researching this condition because they feel one pill will cure it all. I've been here for two years and see that many people still suffer greatly because the fact is, one pill is not the cure. There are many factors causing thyroid failures and there are things you can do for yourself with or without your doctor.

There are many good websites and this is one I think is very informative and understandable: stopthethyroidmadness.com/m...

And this is a short video with an overview of how the thyroid affects everything and vice versa.


Heloise profile image

and also:


Clutter profile image

TSH needs to be in the lower area of range 0.42-2 or conception can be difficult followed by a high risk of miscarriage.

It took 4 weeks on 100mcg Levothyroxine to bring my TSH down to 0.16 from 107.5. It took longer to bring my FT4 and FT3 within range and to feel better.

You need to discuss your plans to have a baby with your GP so that you can be adequately monitored and referred to a specialist if necessary.

Once thyroid function levels are stabilised and you are on an optimal dose of Levothyroxine it is usually raised by 50mcg thoughout the pregnancy to compensate for the foetus' demands on your thyroid, ensure good foetal development and avoid the risk of post partum thyroid toxicosis. Bloods should be tested every 2-4 weeks.

If your GP isn't familiar with hypothyroidism and pregnancy show him/her the NICE guideline cks.nice.org.uk/hypothyroid...

There is good information on conception, pregnancy and hypothyroidism in hypothyroidmom.com Scroll down to the end of the blog for topics.

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