Hypothyroid and twitching... Help please - Thyroid UK

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Hypothyroid and twitching... Help please

32 Replies

A few days ago i was told i have an underactive thyroid. Medication wouldnt of had time to work yet but i keep getting a twitching through my body, here and there, in my tummy, legs, arms and some pain in my sides. Im scared this is something serious, is it connected to my thyroid problem?

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32 Replies
shaws profile image

From this link it appears to be common. One person has said it disappeared when on optimum meds.

Jackie profile image

Hi This and shakes are commonly calcium over range. Blood test is important especially if on Vit D. It is an electrolyte.

Best wishes,


in reply to Jackie

Hi i have had my calcium checked and that is fine. Maybe the twitches are my mind playing tricks on me, i dont know, but they definitely feel very real. Mostly happening under my ribs and tummy area. Really freaking me out because cant find it on any thyroid pages

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to

They will be real all right! Thyroid disorders can do the strangest things to you

Jackie profile image

Hi Good. I should see how they are when stable, always best to be sure of anything "odd".


in reply to Jackie

Ok thanks

Stardum profile image

I would contact doctor, especially If twitching started since taking thyroid medicine.

in reply to Stardum

Thanks. Started before I got medication, he said its because of my thyroid. I just don't see anybody else on here with twitches in the stomach area

Castlepoint profile image

Hi I sympathise with you as I had strang symptoms when I started levo - I had terrible cramps in my legs really painful , I also used to

get pain in my chest area like a muscle spasm very quick but painful & my tongue felt bigger ! But slowly they all subsided & I am fine now. So I do think it maybe your thyroid but best to contact your gp, hope you feel better soon.

in reply to Castlepoint

Thanks for your reply. Did you get any of those symptoms before you started taking the medication?

annette12 profile image

Hi there. I have had the same issues as yourself twitching in random places on and off. I have low calcium and vitamin d. Someone on here mentioned adding magnesium. I took 250mg of mag citrate its the best absorbed. Im completly cured no more twitched whoo!!!. Hope it works for you.

in reply to annette12

Hi, thanks for your reply. My calcium has been checked and is normal, my doctor said the twitching is my thyroid but im not sure, maybe im just overthinking it, just want the meds to start working. Hate this

annette12 profile image
annette12 in reply to

Hi it wouldnt do any harm in the meantime to try the magnesium until you settle on the medication. It relaxes the muscles. It may also help to try some epsom salts bath it has added magnesium very relaxing.It really has done wonders for me. Try not to worry too much things will settle down. ♡

TSH110 profile image

I had dreadful cramps in my feet and legs, twitching in my lower left eyelid, horrible heart pains, strange stabbing sensations on my left side and something I called electric knee which felt like electric shocks - really weird. All have now gone since medication I had them before treatment for hypothyroidism and until my meds were up to a reasonable level. You are best to let your GP know about your most unpleasant symptoms.

I hope they soon resolve and you feel better soon.

TSH110 profile image

There is mention if it here:


And on Stop the Thyroid Madness site which is bmvery informative

Hope that helps and puts the lid on it being imaginary!

in reply to TSH110

Thankyou. I have severe health anxiety, I google things and think I have the worse thing. I feel so weak, I will rock my son for a minute and then my muscles ache like iv been rocking him half an hour. Is this normal? I have strength but get drained quickly...

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to

Oh yes muscle weakness as you describe is a classic hypothyroid symptom. I could hardly manage to brush my hair it hurt so much when I tried to do any thinking with my arms elevated I used to want to cry with the pain and frustration of it. I feel for you not being able to cuddle your baby as much as you want to with this awful affliction. The pains went once my meds were at a good level so it should go away once they get yours to a better strength for you. May that time come quickly for you!

in reply to TSH110

Thanks for your reply. Yes I just cant wait, now my throat feels swollen, not sure if thyroid or just because im run down. Its alot to take in. Dont want to keep bugging my doctor either because he knows im a hypochondriac and thinks im just overthinking everything :(

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to

Just post your concerns here and you will get sound advice. I got some lumps in my throat recently and went to the doc just to get it checked out - there is a history of lymphoma in my family. The doc was lovely and never made me feel silly for coming about it. Just tell your doc you are really worried about it - he/she should check that for you - it is a completely reasonable concern and one I'd want investigating. You are genuinely ill, not a hypochondriac!

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to

Hypo is enough to give anyone severe health anxiety - my body kept telling me I was dying which used to really freak me out, when I got really bad I started seeing a skull looking back at me in the mirror which was terrifying - I got treatment just in the nick of time. The anxiety will subside with meds - remember you body is going through a massive upheaval with lots going wrong cos of the lack of thyroxine and your instinct is to fight to be better - part of that battle is knowing what is wrong and how to put it right. You will get wonderful sensible support here - there are some fantastic experts who offer excellent advice :-)

in reply to TSH110

Thankyou, that is very reassuring, im sorry you had to go through that. Iv had healthy anxiety since I was 8, im now 25. So all these symptoms are ruining my lofe at the moment, im focusing on every little thing. All the symptoms point to MS or ALS and I'm having trouble accepting it is just my thyroid :(

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to

Perhaps there have been problems since you were young as the illness got a hold, 25 is young to have this. Give the meds time to sort things and take it from there. For sure hypothyroid can affect every bit of you - mind, body, emotions etc try not to worry too much - easy for me to say - but you are on the road to recovery which is good :-)

in reply to

Hi, I have just come across this thread and i know it was years ago but how are things now? Have you muscle twitches gone? X

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to

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Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to TSH110

Nice to hear someone else had the electric shocks TSH110, they were really weird pains alongside the muscle pains, but now medicated better with Levo they have all gone. :)

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Coastwalker

Yes they were very odd indeed Coastwalker mine went with Levo too :-)

sazzyb profile image

I had twitches - Persistant twitchy twitches, :-D for about 2 years before I was diagnosed. I had them on my eyelids, my top lip, fine twitches on my chin, legs, just about everywhere, but one of the most irritating and persistant was the twitch under my right boob! It drove me mad. I figured it was an imbalance of something but I didn't worry about them, just watched and waited. All became peaceful and calm after I'd been on levo for a few weeks. Don't worry!

in reply to sazzyb

Oh really? Thats interesting, I can feel them in my tummy... sometimes it feels like a worm wriggling. Then a twitch in my groin, then leg, then arm, doesn't stay in one place. But I feel them constantly one afted the other.. is this normal yeah. Haven't had one on my face though which is where they seem most common for other people. Thanks for your reply

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to

I used to get similar but the sensation was more of an itch I'd be scratching like a dog with fleas! In fact I though my whippets were giving me fleas lol! Then I thought it was dust mites...after I had ruled out food allergies. It was dreadful

sazzyb profile image
sazzyb in reply to

Good description - like a worm wriggling! I felt mine one after the other, groin, legs, too, but the boob twitch was the strongest and always had the most to say, lol. I did some reading and started taking 400 mg Magnesium, as Marilyn says it's good for muscle cramps, twitches, etc. But get the best chelated magnesium for easy absorption. Occasionally they reappear but not for long thank goodness.

Marylyn profile image

Magniesium will certainly assist cramps ,twitching also good for fast or irregular heart rate.Since my husband has taken it regular he has had no more atrial fibrillation or leg cramps .you should get your Vit b 12 level checked if below 350 you should be treated.it can cause heart pains,ringing in ears,muscle spasms,electric shock like sensations,tremors,anxiety,depression memory loss.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Marylyn

So that is what cause my 'electric knee'! Thanks Marylyn

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