Pains in hands and feet which come on randomly, pins and needles in feet, sometimes feels as if someone has stab me through my foot, numbness, feeling cold, and cold hands and feet. Dandruff, dry itchy skin on head, kness , feet, elbow. Weak erections. Im 28 and have had these proba since my early 20s. Docs diagnosed depression meds either didnt work or made me worse, now im diagnosed with adhd. I take dexedrine which seems to worsen my symotoms. It wipes me out and worsen some of my current symptoms.
I also get alot of emotional problems, depression, anger irritability, low mood,
I have 2 tests done on the nhs both normal. But I havent be confident to tell a doc all my symptoms in fear of him assuming im a hypocondriac. Just not sure if to assume I have a thyroid issue. Feel overwhelmed.