and yes it's cured it but the last couple of I weeks have been feeling really off it I could sleep the clock round my heart bumps that hard no appetite more dizzy than I normally feel, feel really rough, would just being on the pills for 3 months deplete your iron levels?
I have been taking omeprazole for about 3 month... - Thyroid UK
I have been taking omeprazole for about 3 months for heartburn

This is a link of a previous post.
If we are hypo we usually have low acid in our stomachs, the symptoms of which are similar to high acid and that's why GP's prescribe antacids.
I myself had a problem and found that betaine/pepsin helped enormously and have one at each meal.
No not had any blood tests done for while they always come back normal, but have rang Docs up to day seeing someone tomorrow
You don't give your history in your Profile so I don't know whether you are hypo or hyper or whether you are on medication.
Always get a copy of your blood test results with the ranges for your own records and you can post if you have a query. 'Normal' isn't always best for us.
Do not take thyroid gland medication on the morning of your blood test and have it as early as possible. Ask your GP to do the following:-
"The aim of thyroxine replacement therapy is to normalise plasma TSH and to achieve a clinically euthyroid state. To obtain this, FT4 and TT4 have to be maintained at, or just above, the upper reference interval".
Omeprazole is one of a class of drugs called "Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)". They are not recommended for long-term use and they do have adverse effects. Having said that, some people have to stay on them long-term, and there may be good reasons for it. I know that some people on aspirin to help thin the blood often take PPIs long-term to protect their stomachs. For people with ulcers they can allow the ulcer time to heal.
However, if the reason for taking them is for indigestion, heartburn or GERD, it is actually most likely that the symptoms are caused by too little stomach acid, rather than too much. PPIs reduce absorption of vitamins and minerals, which is why they should be avoided long-term if at all possible.
This is a very good link, well worth reading. There are actually 6 related articles to read, you just need to follow the links from one to the next :
Omeprazole can, over long term use, cause magnesium deficiency, this can cause palpitations. Not sure if this would have happened after 3 months though?
Thank you for this , I have been on Omeprazole for years!! Recently after a blood test that I requested it was found that I had a calcium deficiency ! However I only take the stuff may be a couple of times a week now as I am finding that I do not suffer as I did . I was taking up to two a day !
Hi thanks for your replies, after being under the guidance of Dr P who diagnosed me with an under active thyroid have had blood tests back and the doc says I'm over active now and the adrenals came back high too, have been on Nutri thyroid and adrenals and hyrocortisone so she's told me to wean off that, and to stop the nutri, she thinks this is what has pushed up my heart rate and blood pressure, got a few questions how long will it take to feel better ? Have been feeling really unwell no energy so tired, and did having an over active thyroid make you feel like you were on a boat and really dizzy, the iron blood test was ok so was my vitamin D