Hi Does anyone find that if they do physically more than they usually do, about ten days or so afterwards they feel really fatigued? a real dip in energy levels, almost as if more thyroxine is needed. I get this and the same symptoms after I've had an infection / illness? sort of puts you off exercising more
exercise: Hi Does anyone find that if they do... - Thyroid UK

When I feel I like this increase my thyroxine for a few days until I feel better. I normally take 50mcg so increase to 75mcg. Your thyroid would naturally release more thyro. if it were needed eg. cold weather, illness, tiredness so it's a case of being very aware of how you are feeling and not taking too much and feeling hyper. I am be wrong about this but it works for me.
i love exerciser, but since being diagnosed underactive i am nervous of exercising as i am totally fatigued for about a week afterwards and i hate the feeling. i never thoughtbof increasing my dose because my prescription would run out too early
I increased my thyroxine but my GP now says that I need to lower it as my bloods show I'm over medicating! if I do, then I feel exhausted again!I don't think I'm hyper.
If I don't exercise I put on weight? anyone else got that problem?
I am hypo also have sle I am shocked at the amount of people self medicating is ltd a gamble worth taking
perhaps this is a reflection on the fact that the condition isn't being properly understood and managed by some Dr's? my understanding is that we take a given amount of thyroxine and this is sufficient for our bodies under status quo conditions...but the minute we upset the staus quo, our bodies can't adjust so we have to do the adjusting for it.... not ideal.
Does anyone else have the problems with exercising and fatigue?
I do get this effect, yes. I suspect it will always happen, BUT the threshold at which it happens is much higher on minutely more thyroxine. I was on 100mcg for a great many years, and was considered to have M.E., the main symptom of which is 'post exertional malaise'. I was a disabled person all that time. On 112 mcg I was a lot more well and able, but still not able to maintain enough exercise medium-term. I now take 120mcg and I can be surprisingly active -- and mostly 'get away with it'. I am 59 now, and a lot fitter than when I was 40. The doctor thinks -- and I think too -- that I can't make any of my own thyroxine, so my metabolic rate is dictated absolutely by the thyroxine I swallow. I switched to twice-per-day which is a great improvement for me. I'd be ill if I took my present dose all at once.
This would explain the frustration I have felt since being on a combination of T4 andT3 . Whilst with doing everyday things including walking to the office I feel much better. I find if I try to do more strenuous exercise I find I am wiped out for several days and this does not improve over time in way that it would have in the past. Has anyone recognised this need for different levels of medication for different activity levels. How do other medication dependant conditions deal with this?
Hi Kath, yes I find the same thing. Regular stuff is fine, but anything over and above and I'm exhausted and pay for it around 8-10 days later. I use to be really active before diagnosed . I was trying to keep up my usual exercise regimen prior to diagnosis and really struggling and feeling unwell and shaky, in bed at 8am and waking up exhausted. The thyroxine sorted that out to some extent, but if I do . I out on weight before treatment and with exercising and the treatment I lost most of it.
I'm on 150mcg M,W,F and 125 on the other days. My GP want me to cut down to either 100 or 125mcg daily...I tried the 125mg and couldn't function. I still can't exercise (dancing, running, cycling), garden and do all my usual running around in the same way I could prior to being hypothyroid.
Would just like to add that adjusting my dose slightly is OK with my GP. My TSH was 8 when diagnosed and monitored for a while before meds. depending on how I was feeling so hypo. was spotted before I was badly affected. I am very fortunate to have an understanding doctor. Hope you are feeling better soon.
I'm glad I found this thread this is exactly what is happening to me! I used to run I stopped after diagnosis but started to feel well again on 150 levo until that is I do the tiniest of Jogs. It takes me days to recover from an 8-10 minute jog and muscle pain is awful makes sense that I would need more levo on days I exert myself more. My antibodies were over 1000 at diagnosis so I think my thyroid is all but useless however they are coming down now since going gluten free and taking supplements but they are still in the 300s