early hours of the morning, is it the change of brand?
Hi this month had my brand of levo changed from... - Thyroid UK
Hi this month had my brand of levo changed from chemist (mercury pharma) instead of (activis) after 3 weeks now getting palpations in the

Yes this can happen. That's why it's good to keep to a brand you know suits you. Ask your GP for a new prescription and ask local chemists if can they get it for you.
ok thanks
You need to get your GP, once you have reported this to him and filled out a yellow card, to actually write Actavis on your script or you may get this problem time and time again.
Moggie x
You can just ask the Pharmacist to put it on their computer that you want only Actavis, no need to involve the GP.
That did not work with my pharmacist - it only worked when my GP got involved.
Moggie x
I sorted it with the Pharmacist in my local Boots, worth a try.
I think many pharmacists are struggling to get different brands of levo at the moment so are giving people what they can get their hands on.
My GP had instruction by my endo to keep my brand consistent but the pharmacist has had a lot of trouble doing this, which is why I ended up on Actavis as this was the only brand they was sure they could get all the time (apart from MP - which I wouldn't touch with a barge pole.lol.)
Moggie x
Has partially worked for me, 50mcg are Actavis as requested. 25mcg are MP despite nb saying NOT MP. Will get Gp to make a note.
Yes, my pharmacist does this for me with MP.
Probably depends on who you speak to. I went in on a Sun to collect and a very nasty person (locum) told me they didn't order in special brands for anyone, it would be far too expensive, I must be mistaken, etc. I think they just get in various brands and save that one for me but she wasn't having it. Went in the next day and lovely regular pharm had it set aside in a drawer for me, voila.
Edited to add that levo has never made me feel much better MP or Actavis or whatever, but it was an experiment worth doing.
Why has everybody got such a downer on MP? It's been a miracle drug for me!
However, it is difficult to get. I have to use the pharmacy adjacent to the GP surgery because no-one else round here stocks it. When I tried Boots, they said they only offered their own brand.
difficult ain't the word,, got loads off chemists in town and only one can get it now and they order in for me.
I suppose people are pee'd off with MP because they took a perfectly good product - eltroxin - which worked for thousands of people off the market and replaced it with, in my opinion, a second rate much cheaper product that has caused lots of people heart issues.
Not only did they take eltroxin off the market they messed about with the make up of their levo which, again in my opinion, is why it is causing so many people issues.
Moggie x
Mercury pharma is the only brand I'll use, it seems much stronger. On other brands (wokhardt especially) I have to up my dose by as much as 50mcg a day.
Maybe this is the cause of your palps
my advice is if you were doing fine with actavis then call your doc and ask them for new prescription asap ,, and while waiting for that, contact your chemist and either ask them to get actavis in for you or go to another chemist. you really don't want to mess your system about if you can help it,, we do have to be quiet forthright at times with this condition,,
I had problems with MP and won't touch it again. I had to have 25mcg MP with 50 mcg Actavis/Almus. I am now on 100mcg Actavis and feeling much better. If I need another 25mcg I will ask my doctor to prescribe 50mcg and cut them in half.
Previously I had been on TEVA 100mcg which were withdrawn by MHRA. Every chemist in town told me they never stocked TEVA!!! Maybe chemists are aware of probs with MP and that's why you can't get them.