Does this sound familiar to anyone with any sort of autoimmune diseases?
Has anyone comeacross red patchy skin on palms ... - Thyroid UK
Has anyone comeacross red patchy skin on palms with hard skin lumps underneath? Could this be another autimmune disease hopping on?

When you say 'underneath' do you mean in the flesh of your hand, or is this more of a rash on the surface? My husband gets red blistery patches on his palms as well as lots of split skin on fingertips, dx is eczema.
Go to google images
and do a search for dyshidrosis. It often affects the palms of the hands. Does this look like what you have? It is a form of eczema.
I have had a problem with the skin on my hands now for about 18 months - around about the time that the recent trauma occurred which seems to have upset my thyroid. It starts as little yellowish nodules which go brown and then the skin dries and then becomes flaky. It looks very similar to the dyshidrosis as human bean suggests It gets worse, then nearly vanishes, and then comes back. I will be interested to see if it is thyroid related, although my problem is not autoimmune. I found good effect using Bio-Oil. XX
I've never tried bio-oil. Thanks for the tip.
I've had dishydrosis since I was about 10. I was just told it was eczema, and it is only in recent years (thanks to the internet) that I realised that the type of eczema I had actually had a specific name.
I imagine there is an autoimmune connection with dishydrosis, but I don't know if thyroid problems are connected - it has never occurred to me to wonder, I have to admit. In my own case my eczema started when my life became stressful and stayed stressful for a long time - and stress has been a trigger for it ever since. My first long-term health problems did start around the age of 10, just like the dyshidrosis - but looking back now I think my problems may have started with adrenal/cortisol issues rather than thyroid. But from this distance in time, looking back over 40 years, it is so hard to decide/remember what came first.
Whatever the history, I didn't start having my thyroid treated until last year (and I'm now over 50), and my doctor was reluctant even then. I rapidly took over my own treatment. I'm totally fed up of fighting with the medical profession about my health, and I intend to self-treat as many issues as I possibly can from now on.
Yes I totally agree. I am 60 now and have had weight issues all my life which in hindsight are probably thyroid related as it is so strong in my family. I am so glad I found my man in Winchester at an early stage of this battle, and thank God I found this site. XX
I've had dyshidrosis/pompholyx on and off for a few years now. It started during a period in my life when I was very stressed. But now I'm wondering whether it's linked to being low in Vit D. I started taking 10000iu a day about a week ago to see if it would help with joint pain (together with 400mg of magnesium citrate cos it stops your body losing calcium) and so far - even though it seems too early for it to have made such a difference! - my skin's cleared right up. (As a side note, I'm in much less pain too!)

Hi LilyMay. Have you tried a low-nickel diet for dishydrosis? I'm going to see if it helps my husband. I don't have a link but you can google. it.
I've been off the gf boards for a while now so completely forgot about dermatitis herpetiformis, which is autoimmune and a dx eliminates the need for an endoscopy/biopsy. Are you gluten free?
Additionally this thread has given me pause for thought about my husband and his hands. He really needs to get dh eliminated as a possible dx. Thanks for the info on dishydrosis.
Hi puncturebycile. Im not gluten free but it has crossed my mind due to severe acid reflux .waking up choking on bile is deffo one to be avoided! Are you linking the gluten with acid reflux? Its an interesting thing youv'e said. X
Nezzy, try apple cider vinegar in fruit juice before meals for reflux. If you get indigestion lob in 1/4 to 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
It can cause lots of different problems - reflux certainly - but one is dermatitis herpetiformis, which is an itchy, blistery rash. If you get a dx you don't need the usual endoscopy to confirm coeliac.
Have you had a look at a coeliac questionnaire? I found one on google. Any chance you could have cd? x
Thanks for your replies. Will research the dishydrosis and any connection to the autoimmune syxtem.