I wondered if I would be allowed to request a different brand of Levothyroxine when I go and collect my prescription from the chemist? I'm currently on Mercury Pharma 50mg.
I began Levo in October but then in mid November I woke up with a extremely bitter/sour taste in my mouth. It is all-consuming and at times, unbearable
I tried everything from cutting out certain foods, changing toothpaste, taking vitamins and saw my GP who is trialling Gaviscon and Ranitidine incase it's reflux. I've been on these just short of a month but with no improvement. It occurred to me it could be the levothyroxine!
Although I took a 3 week break, maybe that wasn't enough to get it out if my system?
I'm clutching at straws but it seems a strange coincidence that I've never had anything like this awful taste in my mouth for 43 years and then I start on levothyroxine in October and by mid November I get this?
I wonder if there is something in the MP brand that doesn't like me!
Anyone any experience with asking their chemist for an alternative??