I am T2 Diabetic but my blood sugars are normal. Any one else had this post op?
I am T2 Diabetic but my blood sugars are normal. Any one else had this post op?
Sorry you had no replies, it may be that your question was missed... hopefully someone with relevant knowledge will pick it up from Latest Activity...
I can't really remember, Cat, but I do know I drank a lot more than I do now. Plenty of fluids will be good for flushing out the anaesthetic. You can mention it to your doctor when you have your stitch removed. How are you feeling?
Hi. thanks for the replies,
I saw the ent on Tues and mentioned it and his response was to blame blood sugars, but i know it isn't that not unless the ranges have suddenly changed and between 4 - 7 is now bad.
I'm not feeling as bad as i expected to, but tired, achy and saturated are probably the best to describe it, although the first 2 could be from the constant up and down to the loo
Cat79, I know what it means, TT but please try not to use abbreviations in your questions as not everyone knows what this is. Any excessive drinking needs to be checked out with your GP as it could be Diabetes. Just take a urine sample in to your nurse and it takes two minutes. (you might have to make an appointment)