I was diagnosed about 8 years ago with Hashi's ... - Thyroid UK

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I was diagnosed about 8 years ago with Hashi's I have never seen anyone other than a GP is that normal?

Helenback profile image
9 Replies
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Helenback profile image
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9 Replies

Normal for the NHS. I had it since 2005 and only in 2013 after fighting fighting fighting did i get to see an endo.

If you do not fight and push, the nhs will do nothing for you

susymac profile image

If you are doing well on the levo, and are not experiencing any other symptoms, then there is absolutely no need to see an endo, and you are fine just being treated by your GP.

However, if you are not doing fine on levo, or are still experiencing symptoms then that is a different matter...

Helenback profile image

No I feel like cr*p tbh, I sleep almost till lunchtime and ache all over, am cold all the time and do tell the GP and all she says is your blood says different and all is fine, I am also very overweight and struggle to lose any and feel tearful all he time, I have lived with this and more for years, bringing up an autistic child, I have no clue what to say or do about it. I am due a review the end of March so will publish my results then. Thank you for your replies.

susymac profile image
susymac in reply to Helenback

Id deffo push for an Endo appointment in that case. Its totally wrong that we are left feeling this bad, and I'd ask for the bloodwork to be brought forward, no point waiting until the end of March when you feel so bad.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Helenback

Is there another GP you can see at the practice? It's not right that your symptoms are not addressed because the lab results are in range. Make a list of your symptoms and request an increase in medication for a trial period of 3 months. Lab ref ranges are not fine tuned to individual patients and should only be used as a diagnostic aid, not to declare that you are 'fine' because you are in range.


Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Helenback

Hi Helenback,

I now ask my Doctor for a printout of my bloods (and their ranges,) then you post them up on here for other (clever) members to read. I got to your stage, tired, cold, weight gain,aching all over, brain fog etc., someone on here said take your Levothyroxine at night times (or do mornings if easier) on an empty stomach and 4 hours away from iron/calcium (dairy foods,) 2 days later (though others might differ,) I realized I was back to normal, but two weeks later everything came back, but at a lesser degree, so I have now asked for an increase of my Levo.

Ask your Doctor to treat you by symptoms not by your bloods, mention Thyroid UK and 'Stop The Thyroid Madness' to your Doctor, :) I did. My Doc said she found the site interesting.

Have a look at You Tube and type in 'Dr Gandy and B12 deficiency' that 10 minute video was an eye opener and gave me food for thought on buying some Vitamin B12.

Google B12 and have a look at the long list of ills it claims to cure. Someone told me that B12 Deficency mimics Hypothyroidism.

Ps. Buying just the small doses of multivitamins might only just tickle your tonsils though ;)

Eelaines profile image

Hi Helenback

You need to see a specialist who will carry out a proper range of tests.

Start by filling out a symptom checklist: thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/about_...

I was shocked to find I had 45 of these when I first did it.

Take this along to the GP to show how unwell you are and insist on a referral. You are not well and you need this referral.

Just increasing your levo may not be enough, and GPs are out of their depth usually.

Perhaps take someone else with you to help you be assertive. Don't wait till the end of March. Best of luck, you will get lots of support here.


Helenback profile image

Thank you so much everyone! I need this info as ammunition :)

crimple profile image

I was diagnosed in 2007 as hypo and put on levo increased in steps from 25mcg to 125mcg. There was then the issue with Teva 100mcg levo tabs and since 2011 I have been on a bit of a roller coaster. I decided to gather together all my test results, mostly just TSH, occasional T4 and drew up a graph. This showed that initially it was a smooth downward curve as Levo increased my TSH went down and I began to feel better. However since 2011 the graph showed more like a saw tooth mountain, very up and down TSH and small changes in levo. I was not feeling at all well in Nov 2013 and asked for TSH and antibodies. This showed very raised antibody levels and my GP looked at my graph that I had taken with me, seemed quite impressed and he spoke to local Endo. They have agreed that my levo should be increased to 100mcg from75/100 alternate days and to have a blood retest in April. I have got a slight swelling on my thyroid, so in view of recent comments on this site I am going to ask for ultrasound scan. I have had tests via Blue Horizon, not cheap but worth peace of mind. At the moment, in spite of a nasty sore throat- unrelated- I am feeling well and able to do most things. It is thanks to the wonderful people on this site being so willing to exchange info that I have learnt so much and feel better in control of my condition. Do hope you make some progress

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