Okay this is a bit of a sensitive subject but I don't know who else to ask so here goes. I had radioiodine treatment on 6th December and obviously this has affected my hormones (I don't think my poor body knows what's hit it), it's a bit like having permanent pms which isn't the best. The thing I want to ask about is that I know that thyroid problems, either hyper or hypo can affect your periods and your cycle and I'm wondering if the radioiodine treatment has done this to me. I'm on the pill (Microgynon) and never have any problems but for the past week I've had stomach pain (exactly like when my period is just starting) and the tiniest amount of bleeding, not anything like the level of a period but it's still a bit worrying. My period isn't due until next Friday (27th). I'm wondering if this is to be expected because my hormones are a mess or if I should go see my doctor to get checked. Any input is appreciated, thanks
A question for female thyroid patients on hormo... - Thyroid UK
A question for female thyroid patients on hormonal changes / differences, especially if you've had RAI.

RAI is specific to the thyroid so it shouldn't affect other hormones, have you googled for info ?
I know it's for thyroid but when your thyroid if off loads of other things can be affected, as I've experienced in the past. I figured that my thyroid is in the process of reacting to the treatment and gradually changing from hyper to either normal activity or potentially hypo so I figured I would experience similar issues as I have when my thyroid has been off and I'm not on medication or not on the right dose. My friend who is a nurse (formerly in ENT) said not to worry, my hormones will just be all over the place but I wanted to know if anyone else had similar experiences.
Actually I hadn't googled...I've freaked myself out googling all this stuff before but it seems like I'm not the only one so that's more reassuring. medhelp.org/posts/Thyroid-D...
I had RAI for a goitre. I was menopausal at the time, so my system was all over the place anyway. And I quit smoking at around the same time. I like to get everything out of the way at once ... ;-z
IMHO your hormones have had a big shake up. Sometimes pregnant women or new mothers post on the site, asking why they feel peculiar. If they have a thyroid imbalance it justs exacerbates whatever's going on anyway. I'm not sure I'd be 100% confident that the Pill was working just now. So be good to have a word with the doctor about that.
'They' will want your thyroid hormone levels to lower. Hopefully to normal (however one defines that ...) although it is quite usual for levels to overshoot, and patient to become hypo- from hyper-thyroid. And there is some sense in not medicating yet - you want your thyroid to work out first what its new level of activity is going to be. Some people retain more thyroid function than others.
You'll still be under someone at the hospital where you had your RAI, yes? I'd give him/her a ring and ask, so as to put your mind at rest.