is anyone else like this??
symptoms of overactive thyoid but i have undera... - Thyroid UK
symptoms of overactive thyoid but i have underactive?

I am opposite have hypo symtoms but diagnosed hyper just cant fathom it out
Which particular symptoms do you mean? Sometimes they can be either hypo or hyper.
Jane x

ive lost alot of weight, awful anxiety, restless and fidgity, nausea, racing thoughts dr just put me on 25mg of levothyroxine today. will start tmoro. x
Tell me about it... i was very hyper indeed... sweats, palpitations, feeling sick ..dizzy ,very fast sitting pulse rate, cant think straight etc etc... that has been sorted , but now have gone slightly Hypo with all virtually the same symptoms ..are you on any meds ??
I have also been confused by having hyper symptoms although I am hypo?
I suffer terribly with increased sweating when I am at work or doing simple housework!!
It has previously been blamed on my menopause, but I have always said it isnt a flush, more like I get hot and I can't cool down! That said both my Menopause and Hypothyroidism have taken years to be diagnosed as my blood tests always came back as 'normal'.
: (
Defintely possible. I even discovered that one of our practice nurses had the same problem!
will me starting the levo improve things?