still in shock and very nervous: These past... - Thyroid UK

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still in shock and very nervous

jalestar profile image
14 Replies

These past 7 months i've been round in circles with thyroid problems. It all started with really painful muscle spasms and headaches/ they we're soon followed by dizziness and feeling sick. some days i have found it difficult to get out of bed ive been in so much pain. after it being thoughy of being caused by stress and growing pains i feel even worse because it felt like it had to be so much more. my attendance was starting to get worse just as my exams we're coming up but soon the goitre was notice in my throat in December 2012. i had many tests and scans and for ages they were coming back inconclusive yet i was starting to feel even worse amd my energy was dropping. we later found multiplying nodules and a sample test and scan as recently shown the possible risk of cancer and theres a constant problem of the, growing and affecting my breathing. in july i have to have an operation to have my thyroid removed i am ao nervous. i have luckily finished my exams now and hoping for the best but its been such a shock

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jalestar profile image
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14 Replies
shaws profile image

Yes, it does come as a shock. I think the thyroid gland is the last thing the GP's think of. In fact not one of the specialists/gps/A&E sussed out my problem. It was a person who does first aid when I was on my last legs!

I am sure members who have a TT will be able to reassure you and once you are on the optimum medication when hypo you will feel much better.

I wish you well in your exams although it must have been an enormous strain.

jalestar profile image

thank you. I've finally finished my exams but it was a massive struggle with my energy levels dropping so dramatically without warning and the constant joint pains for so long. my sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer just last year so to hear cancer again really got me. I'm very nervous about the operation but it's said to be a common operation its just surprising to see happen to a girl my age, its been a really long year but I'm very excited to soon be recovering,

roslin profile image

Hi jalestar

I was 20 when I had to have my thyroid removed. I can still remember the shock and the fear.( I am 55 ). I had 2 ops as they had missed cancer when doing a biopsy and after removing the nodules they found cancer so I had to have the whole thyroid out. It was a shock but I had very good support from my family. The op(s) was very straight forward and I don't remember there was much pain. Pain control in hospitals is very good because it has been found that you recover quicker with less or no pain. I know fear can make you feel more pain and stop you from recovering mobility in the neck quickly , but don't be scared and follow the instructions from the drs and nurses. You have youth on your side and recovery generally will be quicker but you may have to have patience with finding the right level of thyroid hormone. I don't remember that much about that time but I remember being put on 300 mcg thyroxine quite quickly and staying on that level for 25 years. I have not had any recurrence of thyroid cancer but have had to have regular checkups since. Good luck. (I have a son who is doing his exams, so I know the pressure)You can pm me if you have any thing you want to ask.


ThyroidHell profile image

Hi Jalestar

I had total removal of thyroid gland on Monday. I had the right one removed when I was 20 and i am now 54. I had big nodule 1st time and recovered well after operation and never had any problems either. I went to have 3 daughters and didn't need any medication either as the remining gland gave enough of thyroxin to keep me healthy. Nevertheless I recognised the symptoms again couple of years ago and after needle test and ultrasound test there was 7 nodules in the left one and one was 3 cm. The symptoms were again the horrible strangly feeling and snoring and difficulty sleeping as they were pressing against the windpipe. Tha bad gland is in the bin now and on medication and even after 2 days my husband said I was breathing normally when sleeping and he didn't dig my sides to turn over. I am looking forward to leading normal life again. Don't be scared , I am not in pain as such at the moment, just a bit uncomfortable as there is swelling and bruising but that soon goes. My vocal cords are a bit bruised too so very hoarse voice but that will go too. Chin up and get it sorted :o)

jalestar profile image

thank you both so much. to hear other peoples experiences seems to put me on ease because i know you understand what i'm going through. I never realised how important your thyroid is so when the consultant said without medication i would be dead without a thyroid in two years i was horrified. everyone tells me the doctors and surgeons know what they're doing and from what ive seen of them im sure they do its just the thought of an operation scares the life out of me. I haven't slept very well in through the moths and the headaches are a right pain. im hoping the dramatic tiredness and really bad pains will start to go in time after surgery. im not too excited about the hoarsy voice as i love to sing but i have been warned of it and hoping it will go down. thank you for the support its so helpful it really is

ThyroidHell profile image

Honestly its nothing to worry about. Thyroid operations are very routine and the medication does the rest. I'd rather take tablets than suffer the nasty symptoms of dysfunctional gland from hell lol

jalestar profile image

lol I know what you mean. I cant wait to be rid of them to be honest. just one more month and theyre out :D they will do tests once they take it out and hopefully we will have caught it just before the cancer hit or im guessing it will be more tests. im borderline at the moment so we'll see. its been so long putting up with the pains and tiredness i'll just be happy to be myself again

Moggie profile image

Poor you, this illness is frightening at any age but must be doubly so when you are so young, especially when your sister has also had a cancer diagnoses.

Wishing both you and your sister well.

Moggie x

p.s. Bet you did great in your exams

jalestar profile image

awwwwws thank you. my sister has recovered fantastically and is doing great. it has been a massive struggle especially at this time in my life but i've had so much support i should hopefully be well again after the op in time for college. thank you so much for your support x

Orangelady1 profile image

I had it done too, I know it's easy to say please don't worry, but you will find out it isn't half as bad as you probably imagine. Also, if pathology comes back saying there is is very easily treated. You will have RAI and then kept an eye on for a year, and then that should hopefully be the end of it. Hang in there, and remember you are not alone, there are many of us right here that know exactly what you are going through. Keep well and strong xx

jalestar profile image

awwwws thank you so much that is wonderful, its so much easier to believe when you hear it from someone who's experienced it themseleves. i have a month till my op so just trying to be positive and enjoy the summer. i've even started a teen cancer awareness project to keep me motivated so yeh hopefully all will be well but having others to talk to has made it even better xx

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to jalestar

God I wish I had your motivation. With all that's going on in your life, with your sister's illness as well as your own, you still have the drive, determination and kindness to help others by starting up an awareness project. Good for you, don't suppose your going into the medical profession are you?. We need doctors and nurses with your outlook in life to specialise in thyroid illness and then maybe we might stand a better chance of getting correct and compassionate treatment.

Moggie x

Orangelady1 profile image
Orangelady1 in reply to jalestar

Good for you, keep in touch and let us know how things go. X

vajra profile image

Hi JS. Just another to report that thyroidectomy these days is normally pretty much painless and trouble free - most surgeons doing the procedure now seem to have a lot of experience. Mine was in 2005.

The good news is that a total thyroidectomy seems to often make it easier to get the subsequent hormone replacement regime working right than is sometimes the case with a partial - where the remaining thyroid can intefere.

One issue can be that the endocrinologists handling thyroidectomy patients are not always the best so far as getting quickly to a hormone replacement regime that leaves us feeling well is concerned - it took a few changes of doctor in my own case to get to one prepared to listen and to approach the issue more holistically. (e.g. it can be necessary to move beyond the stock single hormone T4 only regime, and to use T3 as well)

It's well worth reading up on replacement and hypothyroidism (low thyroid) and it's symptoms. Hopefully it will all be fine (it helps that you haven't been ill for very long/your general health should be good - it seems to make replacement more straightforward) - but it's useful to have a good idea of e.g. what the symptoms of low thyroid are, and what the replacement issues may be so that if they arise you'll know what's going on.

Well done on the awareness project and the like. Don't forget that compassion starts with care for yourself. I've come to understand to a fairly high degree of certainty that my thyroid trouble was the result of allowing my head to suppress my deeper knowing - what my heart was telling me about the direction I needed to take in life....


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