My gastro enterologist has said that I almost certainly have post gastric infection ibs which is not that common but he says can last for along time 3 months or so, so far in my case.He has prescribed metronidazole antibiotics for the infection and omeprazole for a dyspepsia condition connected to a small erosion in my gut. Anyone else experienced these drugs? Also will be seeing a dietician who knows about fodmaps etc. Here's hoping?.
Have been diagnosed with probable post infecti... - IBS Network
Have been diagnosed with probable post infection ibs after exhaustive tests apart from colonoscopy. coeliac and diverticulitis ruled out.

Hi, I have been on these antibiotics for helibactus pylori, which is an infection in the gut, which was also cause by a erosion in the gut, they are a powerful antibiotic but very effective, try taking a probiotic whilst taking them as they tend to destroy the good bacteria, and excellent one is symprove, although it is expensive, I have divaticulitus and IBS, but changing my diet and taking symprove have improved my symthoms dramatically, hope this help
I have both these coditions. How do you manage your diet?
Many thanks.
I've heard that Symprove can make bloating worse - have you had that problem?
Do you take it all the time - or just for a 3 month course?
I had a "nightmare" with Golden Linseeds (recommended on the NICE IBS Diet) - I had such pain on the right side that I could hardly walk - this stopped as soon as I stopped the linseeds.
FODMAPS hasn't reached my part of the UK yet so dieticians refuse to give advice.
I developed IBS as a result of an infection.
I took metronizadol followed by omeprazole. In retrospect I wish I'd taken probiotics (VSL 3 are expensive but well regarded) whilst taking the antibiotics. Additionally I was on omeprazole for quite a long time. I think I could have taken omeprazole for less time if I'd been aware that gluten and FODMAP's were perpetuating the problem...
Hope you get better soon !
My ibs was caused by food poisoning. It's been horrendous but I'm gradually regaining control. I'm currently on 20mg of amitriptyline, I've done 4 months on symprove and I'm now taking another probiotic (cheaper than symprove). Adapting diet helps and I'm now looking into Fodmap diet. Exercise can be tricky but if you can do it, it really helps!!
Hi I know it is a long time since you posted but wondered how you are doing as I have same symptoms. It is ruining our lives as the nausea is constant and debilitating. At my wits end. Any help would be appreciated