Diagnosed with IBS several years ago, colonoscopy identified a small ulcer at terminal ileum? this was at the start of covid lock down no follow up. Recent SeHCAT identified bile acid malabsorption, have been on a waiting list for gastroenterologist follow up appointment for the past 12 months. No explanation provided just medication colesevelam which I struggle with. So fed up as getting nowhere any suggestions please?
Bile acid malabsorption : Diagnosed with IBS... - IBS Network
Bile acid malabsorption

Perhaps you could return to your GP and advise of your worsening symptoms and ask him/her to jivvy up your consultant appointment.
A low fat diet helps BAM in many cases. There is a specialist support group called GUTS UK that gives helpful information. If you don’t get on with Colesevelam there is cholestyramine, which I prefer. I only need 3 sachets of that rather than 14 horse pills of colesevelam 😀. But spreading the doses helps. At least 7 hours apart, I find. Good luck.
Is it the tablets or powder/sachets of coleeverlam you're taking? As I was tried on both. Found the tablets easier to take.Neither helped me though as it wasn't BAM I had. After lots of tests it was diagnosed as colitis....
It's the tablets, I have now ceased taking them and back to where I was. I do believe there is something else other than BAM going on. How did you manage to get further tests for colitis? Having a BAM diagnosis it makes me feel like I have been written off for further exploration if you get my drift....