Hi all, I am in a very good place, mentally and physically at the moment, my IBS has been great for the last 6 weeks! Unheard of.
But my bladder weakness has been causing me as much concern as the IBS. Its not stress incontinence, but urge incontinence. I only have to see a toilet, or start thinking about it, and I have an urge to pee. The urgency is bad, and I always have to wear liners.
I know my pelvic floor is weak - my consultant commented on this when inserting the finger to check the anus, I can clench my teeth, but that's about it! I have had a hysterectomy following a womb prolapse. I have decided I have to strengthen my body core.
So, I firstly I found an online programme called Buff Muff - I just did the 17 dollar subscription, I haven't joined the whole programme - but there is a ton of useful information and exercises for pelvic floor exercises - kegels. I learnt that my whole life I have been doing these exercises wrong!
Secondly, I have been doing core exercises at the gym, various exercises classes, but with the aim of strengthening my core. I have no upper body strength, so trying a few light weights.
My posture is poor, it always has been. I slouch over the computer, and over the years my shoulders have become rounded. I started to wonder if my IBS has more to do with this core weakness and bad posture than my diet? I work from home and always eat my breakfast sat at the computer - slumped. If my body is squashed forward, is this affecting the digestion? I probably eat my food too fast, not concentrating. I have read a few online articles suggesting that sleeping on one side is better for heartburn and indigestion than the other. I never thought about it, I tried it, indigestion is much worse on my right side.
Trying to cut down on the tea/caffeine which I understand can cause bladder irritation. I'm cutting down on the sugar again - I love sugar, but I think it makes both IBS and bladder issues worse. And I'm increasing my protein to improve my muscles, trying to increase the fruit/vegetables, but with caution. And I have reduced the fibre intake, it has taken me years to accept that the more fibre I eat, the softer the stools, greater urgency etc.
And finally, trying to change my mental attitude - I am always thinking negative thoughts, like "oooh my stomach aches" or "fed up of feeling queasy". If the brain/cut is connected, am I thinking myself into feeling bad? I have a goal to improve my body and health fitness this year - positive thinking! I hope some of this helps someone else, it helps me focus just by writing and posting this.