I am curious to hear from the IBS-D patients who take TCA antidepressants. What is (or was) your dosage and does it help ? I have been on 30mg / day Nortriptyline, it definitely helped to reduce the urgency, but now I feel that I might need a higher dose.
Nortriptyline and other TCA antidepressants fo... - IBS Network
Nortriptyline and other TCA antidepressants for IBS-D
not sure if they are the same, but I am taking amitriptyline for years for joint pain at night and when I went to my gp about my ibs, she also has ibs and suggested I take amitriptyline for ibs as she said it helps with symptoms.
I have found it has relieved mine, just have to be careful of constipation.
I’m based in UK.
Very lucky (? is that the right term) to have a GP with personal experience of IBS. That sounds like a big help.
Yes it was. Every time I mentioned a symptom, she nodded her head. She was a working in a hospital but had to give that up. She gave me lactose for constipation and added another box of amitriptyline on prescription.
It took years to get my gut issues even acknowledged. My husband used to work in hospitals. It would be difficult if you need to disappear periodically.
I didn’t realise just how much some ops can interfere with the gut.
I’ve had too much thyroid removed, gallbladder removed, full hysterectomy, campylobacter twice, mastectomy.
Reading up, a lot of these operations can lead to ibs which now makes sense. Wish I’d known beforehand.
That is interesting. Is it anything to do with scarring? I guess you will also have had multiple lots of antibiotics. I wonder what your doc's take would be on it.
It just said that the thyroid basically controls every part of the body. Before my hysterectomy I had loads of different gynaecologist procedures which didn’t work, hence full hysterectomy and I was off work 6 months due to constant diarrhoea and paid for hypnosis which worked thank goodness. Matron told me afterwards it can trigger ibs and then of course campylobacter twice where I was in hospital for over 2 weeks in isolation with bloody diarrhoea. Told I would have a bad stomach for years after that.
Then rushed in hospital with gallbladder which again triggered bad ibs.
Not sure if my cancer would trigger it but was a very stressful time. I find Paul McKenna relaxation cd helps me to calm down as thyroid made me hyperactive.
What fun us ladies have.
My goodness, you have been through the mill. You have my admiration! Campylobacter is an absolute stinker, and stress when you knew you had cancer would be enough to set your guts off. But, you have found a solution with your relaxation CD and thereby rescued yourself. You are a role model. My DIL had her gall bladder removed but seems to have avoided the negative side effects, so far at least. My son and veggie DIL came for Christmas lunch just after her diagnosis. Vegetarian and fat free, no nuts (too hard to digest) was a bit of a challenge. I think we had clear tomato soup, stuffed peppers in festive colours, and fruit sorbet for dessert!
Hi Mike,
Ive been on Nortyptyline for about a month now, first 1 tablet 10mg 2 hrs before bed for 2 weeks then went up to 2 tablets, its been a game changer for me, no urgency or diarrhoea now, and reduced stomach pains.
Private GP said I could go up to 4 or 5 tablets each day if necessary (gradually each week)but haven't felt the need to have any more than 2 each night.
I also take 1 xSaccharomyces boullardi and 1x Mebiverine 20 mins before meals. I have follow up with Private GP in 2 weeks but very happy.
I'm in the UK
Have been on amitriptyline 10mg one tab at night for more than 1 month now. Gastroenterologist mentioned at low dose it can help with neuropathic pain. I have had hardly any abdominal pain since. Have been taking colpermin peppermint capsule only once within that one month. I have to admit though I have been very careful with my diet. I guess all this seems to be helping me keep the pain at bay.
I am on amitriptylin 10mg to slow down bowel and it works. Will look into debenture thing though as I am 76 and was over 70 when prescribed it!
I have been on mirtazapine 45mg each day and have been on them for the last 15 years or so I take 1 a night before bed they were prescribed 4 me well before I had Diverticular Disease/IBS due to other private thing going on and being a blended family was 1 of the main reasons My Son had health problems 2006/7 he had a bleed on the brain almost died well he did recover from that well 2018 I had B/Cancer and I think the chemo/radio ETC brought on D/Disease-IBS and I am on 1 chemo tablet a day now that really has messed up my eating ETC as it all tastes bland Well my Son did DIE with sudden Heart Disease Dec 7th 2019 just before the 1st lock down and around that time I was put on Diazapam 2mg when that happened and now for the last 5/6 months the GP put me on propranol 40mg in the morning and at night as well as tried all kinds of tummy tablets ETC mebervine,alverine,buscapan,colpermin just to name a few as I am in fear of pooping myself when trying to go out pushes up my anxiety levels through the roof my Mum died july 2nd 2023 as she lived 150 miles away I just could not see her before she died or attend the funeral
as at least with being home if anything did happen I could have a shower and clean myself I have had 3 colonoscopies 2 in a month early 2021 or 2020 after they lifted the lock downs and had 2 have COVIDtests back then but did not need on when I had my last 19th Oct 2024
SORRY about my spellings when it comes 2 the medication jargon I've tried my best and sorry that this reply has turned out 2 be a novel I just wish that these medical people could come up with a pill to take 4 our problem as 4 eating in my case it is just so very confusing ETC
Well I wish you well with your problem