could ice cream cause an IBS attack?
Ice Cream?: could ice cream cause an IBS attack? - IBS Network
Ice Cream?
I find it's safe for me, but in a cone and with a 99 might be pushing the envelope
I’m ok but stick to dairy free
Very much depends on the ice cream in question! Fine with things like Hagen Daz but not with a cone from an ice cream van so best to avoid these....
I’m dairy intolerant now so it’s a no-no for me. I can have a small amount of vegan ice cream but a normal sized cone is too much and gives me bad IBS.
Most commercial ice cream contains inulin which is a known irritant for IBS. I found that out after eating a Magnum a few years ago. As posted above, good quality ice cream made with milk or cream should be fine.
I had to look this up because inulin was not 'a thing' when I was developing ice creams some years ago. Looking at this list of inulins, it could give many of us an issue.
Where does inulin come from?
chicory root, 35.7–47.6 g.
Jerusalem artichoke, 16–20 g.
garlic, 9–16 g.
raw asparagus, 2–3 g.
raw onion pulp, 1.1–7.5 g.
wheat, 1–3.8 g.
raw barley, 0.5–1 g.
Hi, could be high fat content if you have had other high fat foods that day. For some of us too much fat is not good.Take care Pollyboo
Thanks everyone for your input!
Boy, can it ever. Pretty famous for it, as I recall.
I can no longer eat ice cream late in the day - I think it’s the fat content and the dairy. Have you tried coconut based ice-cream?
Vegan icecreams can be ok, I have only tried Tip top vegan trumpets (in NZ) which I am semi addicted to. I am not lactose intolerant but prefer them to dairy .
pretty much anything can cause an attack, depending on what you are tolerant/ intolerant to. But there is ice cream and there is ice cream so check ingredients.
Definitely, yes, it can. Because of: dairy, fructose, corn-sugar syrup, sugar free sweeteners, inulin and more. I cut the ice-cream totally out off my diet two years ago.
I can eat Swedish glacé with no issues. Made with soy,dairy free. Vegan,lactose free and gluten free. But it is expensive. Bought in Tescos and Sainsburys.