Roughly once a week, following 3-4 days of no activity, I have to spend up to 30 minutes on the toilet in order to empty my bowels. The session starts off with "normal" stools, but deteriorates towards diarrhoea with a great deal of discomfort - feeling hot/flushed and slightly faint. Also, the passing of the looser stools can feel quite painful, as if the stools have sharp edges. The stool quantity seems excessive and never-ending. Following such a session, I usually cycle back to constipation once again. Is anyone else experiencing long and uncomfortable evacuations like this? If so, are there any medications that can be taken to alleviate the discomfort?
IBS-M with very long evacuations: Roughly once a... - IBS Network
IBS-M with very long evacuations

Hi, this sounds just like me. Not as often as once a week at the moment but when I get a flare up it starts relatively normal but then I have to go repeatedly for about 30-40 minutes (so either have to stay there or end up backwards and forwards to the toilet for the same amount of time)
Once I recognise it as a flare up I take 2 x imodium tablets straight away and then if it continues I will take a further tablet with each loose movement. I have also been prescribed Buscopan for cramps so take those when it happens. I'll have a hot water bottle if I can get one and then just try to do some deep breathing and reassure myself that it will pass. Not nice at all though especially when you don't always know when it's going to happen or what is triggering it.
I may be wrong, but it could be that the constipation is causing this. Starting off with hard stool that may be a bit impacted, with liquid stool backed up behind. How is your fibre intake? You may need to gradually try to increase it e.g. trying a small amount of ground flaxseed with breakfast, starting with 1 teaspoon, working up to 1 tablespoon. This hopefully will help bulk out all of your stool and make it a bit more consistent, whilst helping with the constipation.
Yes that’s absolutely me! 50% of the time I am physically sick too.
It happens to me usually 2 days after I’ve eaten food I’m intolerant to (wheat, alcohol and some nuts).
It’s when the food reaches my (very Irritatble) bowel 🙁
My condition got worse and worse until I figured that the pain of the episodes were not worth sneaking even the smallest bite of donut or drinking any alcohol.
I can happily report that as long as I eat no wheat & nuts and stick to only cider or Pimms I can completely cut out these severe reactions totally.
You need to try an elimination diet where you eat safe foods only for a fortnight and then gradually introduce new foods one at a time and when you have a bad reaction (two or so days after eating it) then try cutting it out of your diet completely.
I knew for such a long time that I was wheat intolerant but just couldn’t maintain the willpower to cut it all out completely until the reaction got worse and worse and I realised I couldnt bear it any more.
Got really ill after a very boozy trip to Malta last June and since I cut out all three triggers I have been totally IBS free.
I hope you can identify your triggers and I wish you well 🤞🙂
Similar to me, but without the pain, though excessive evacuation can make you very sore! I’ve always been surprised at the amount that seems be in there, but not that it becomes looser at the end because it’s “backed up”. Unfortunately, unlike xjrs I’ve not found increasing fibre much help, and just assume that IBS-M is like this.
It sounds like the body doing what the body has to do; i.e, shift a pile up of waste which has been 4 or more days in the making. Does that happen naturally or after taking laxatives or an enema?
The irritated feeling when you get to the loose stool phase could just be perhaps irritation of the anal region from all the work it's just been doing? The anal region has quite sensitive skin, and is usually OK for one normal short session but can get a bit inflamed and irritated if there's too much to cope with at once. Aloe vera gel may possibly help soothe that (but difficult of course to apply while in the midst of things.) But you could apply some afterwards when you have washed and dried the area?
I have a very mild form of IBS M, but mine is not like yours. I get constipation, always relieved by tweaking my diet for a day or two, and not lasting longer usually than 2 days. Occasionally I will use a glycerin suppository at those times, but they only happen maybe 3 or 4 times a year. So I understand in a way but not exactly what you get.
The only way I can think of to stop that cycle happening for you would be if you could find a way to produce some (at least) bowel movement each day. Whether that's with taking a small regular laxative dose before bed, regular exercise like walking, a morning coffee to stimulate the bowels, drinking enough water, or balancing your fibre intake in response to what your body is doing on any given day.
However, I know....easier said than done. Those things help me but they won't always help everyone.
I feel exactly the same. Plus I feel really rough after and have to lay down. I find that when it starts it just keeps going. I didn't think the intestines could hold so much.