Got my letter through to book the SeHCAT scan. I'm just freaked out by having to go to the same clinic that caused me so much distress during colonoscopies/endoscopies. I know this won't hurt and logically I don't need to worry but I can't help it.🙄
SeHCAT scan - eeek!: Got my letter through to... - IBS Network
SeHCAT scan - eeek!

Hi. Easy for me to say don’t worry. But it really is one of the simplest tests you’ll ever have. I’ve had all those you’ve mentioned and more and the sehcat is simple. Can someone take you? It’s a tablet and then a few hours later a scan (I went and had lunch and came back) then a week later another scan. I just had to lay on a table fully clothed for 10 mins with a scanner just over my middle bit. They had the radio playing, I nearly fell asleep as I had been awake a lot in the night. Inbetween scans I had no diarrhoea, had the best week ever. Bile acid malabsorption was diagnosed and now I’m on medication I don’t spend my life on the toilet anymore.
Oh thank you, I do feel much better after reading your reply. It's actually just the venue, I think, I'm completely irrational. The last time I was there my blood pressure was sky-high so they couldn't do the colonoscopy, I think it was. My daughter was with me but they wouldn't let her into the treatment area so that was a waste of time, she just had to wait in the reception area and I couldn't even phone her as there was no signal. It was horrible and then I had an argument with the doctor next time we went, but at least she was able to be there and back me up on that one.
I do hope it's the bad acid (as we used to say back in the day) something you can understand and deal with. This IBS is driving me nuts!
Mine was high on the day of my colonoscopy, they did debate about doing it, but I was already on BP meds and had an another appointment that week to review cos my GP knew it was high, so luckily they continued. They monitored my BP throughout the procedure, and it was fine. Just glad to get it over and done with after taking the prep! But yes, the Sehcat is the easiest test you'll have. No prep, no undressing, nothing special to do before, during or after. Least you'll get some answers and medication. It's honestly given me my life back after being told for 20 years I had IBS when I couldn't get off the toilet and all night, being sick and all sorts.
Hello. I've never heard of bile acid malabsorption before. Could you tell me a little more about it please? What symptoms does it cause? Many Thanks
Urgent, watery diarrhoea multiple times a day. Read website that will explain it better than I can.
Hi Julie182, I had a look at some of your other posts and it seems you're like me, having investigations of all kinds.
I'm still waiting for the SeHCAT scan because of course, it's a bureaucratic referral system. Dietitian recommended the scan so referred me to GP, GP referred me to gastroenterologist. I will see gastro guy on Friday and he will make the decision to send me for the scan. (He doesn't know it yet, but he will!) Then another ?? weeks waiting for the scan and the result.
So I would suggest don't get too involved in worrying about stuff until something's actually diagnosed, you can waste a lot of time and mental energy on things that might never happen.
Symptoms (TMI): what I really don't like is the ginger-coloured Bristol scale 7 diarrhoea which I get and it seems like this might be one of the symptoms of BAD/BAM
But the good news is more soluble fibre seems to help - I didn't even know the difference between soluble and insoluble so I was eating all the wrong things.
Hope all goes well for you. Take care!
Hello Merry_Widow,
Your message did make me chuckle. "(He doesn't know it yet, but he will!)". Highlight of my week, your comment. Lol. Thank you for messaging me back. I've never heard of bile acid malabsorption before, today is the first time, thanks to jbrking. The symptoms of it do sound very similar to mine so I'm wondering if I would benefit from a SeHcat scan. I have already seen a dietitian at my GP surgery and she said it sounds like colitis and some sort of malabsorption. I have been referred to the gastro people but still waiting to hear from them. I'm only worried about the bowel prep stuff, I'm not really worried about the actual procedures themselves. I'm just getting so weak, thin and exhausted from being so poorly that I'm desperate for answers.
Maybe the malabsorption is the bile acid type? If so, that could be what they're thinking of. There's no bowel prep for a SeHCAT scan, if that's what they plan to do.
Once you get the appointment with the gastro people, think about what you want to say to them. I know that sounds obvious, but I've learned that if I don't I'll just agree to whatever they suggest. I always talk things over with my daughter first, and if possible she comes with me to talk to the doctors.
I presume you're in the UK and on the NHS? If so, do you have SystmOnline at your doctor's? If you do, you can see your test results and referrals and so on - they don't always make sense but often there's a link that explains what it means. It might give you a clue as to their thinking.
Did the dietitian give you any advice about what to eat, etc? I find it really difficult some days to force myself to eat but I do try to keep up with what they recommend. At the moment it's horrible mushy yukky stuff you wouldn't give to a baby! But hopefully not for much longer.
Hope all goes well.
Hello Merry_Widow,
Yes, it could be the bile acid malabsorption they mean, so when I see the gastro people, I will push for a SeHcat scan. Yes, I am in the UK and can see my results online, which is great. Means I don't have to wait long for the results.
She did. She told me that a low-fibre diet might help, she asked me to try 1 boiled egg a day for protein and also to try lactose free milk and cheese and see what happens. So far I have only been eating foods that I can tolerate such as toast using white bread and just a couple of snacks a day that are dairy free. I did try lactose free cheese on toast this weekend and it hasn't affected me yet which is good. She is a really nice lady who took me seriously. She was also alarmed at the amount of weight ive lost. I am due to go back and see her on Monday 25th.
Oh I'm glad - hopefully your weight can at least stay stable, see what it's like when you see her again. Isn't it great when you find someone you trust and who takes you seriously? I feel the same about my dietitian, I got further in one conversation with him than I ever did before.
I absolutely agree. My GP told me that I was experiencing a bad IBS flare up. I told him that I disagreed, considering I've had IBS for about 13years and have never experienced this before. I had to push for stool and blood tests and referrals. I was diagnosed with IBS by a dietitian back when i was 23. Before that I was sent to some doctor in a hospital who told me there was nothing medically wrong with me. So it's only been the dietitians who really made an effort with me. And took me seriously.
Does anyone know if you can pay for a Sehcat scan privately? Many Thanks