Hi,i'm 38 and have ibs.i somehow managed to reduce n control my gas and bloating and constipation but my i havent been able to do anything about my exposive diarrhea which is just out of control.it would be totally fine if it werenot along with the noise i just cant control in the restroom embarassing me so much coz theres usually someone around,family ,relatives or friends!wish the damn diarrhea werenot with noise at least.i care about hyginic matters so much and my explosive diarrhea really upsets and embarrases me.i wonder if u could share what u do about it if u have it and even though i think explosive diarrhea has no cure,if theres treatment or if uve done a treatment and it has been effective.i was able to somehow control my constipation and blotating n gas and currently they arent annoying me a lot but this explosive diarrhea,noise wise,stigma wise,is annoying me so much.so please share and tell me if yr going through the same problem and what u have done about it.
Explosive diarrhea: Hi,i'm 38 and have ibs.i... - IBS Network
Explosive diarrhea

hi. So sorry you are going through this. Hope you feel better soon
I would suggest if you have tried using a probiotic. A lot of time IBS d is associated with bad gut bacteria. Other than eating food that don’t cause you any issues , Adding a probiotic would help. It worked for me but took time.
Thanks a lot for replying n sharing.i wonder if u could tell me how much being careful with yr diet and the probiotic worked for u,is it gone completely?how effective was it?i really dont know which foods cause explosive diarrhea and which dont.for instance,for a weak or two ,all the same various foods i eat cause no problems making me think my ibs has been treated and gone itself ,for the next weak or two all the same various foods cause explosie diarrhea consecutively making me realise its been just a dream.the same food one time doestn cause any problem but the next time will,besides,i have no idea if the food causing the issue is the last meal ive eaten or the meal before last or the prevous day??!!im really really confused about my diet.
hi, I can understand when I was initially diagnosed with IBS I had the same confusion. I don’t know if your doctor has suggested a FODMAP diet. That is an elimination diet to take out FODMAPs
from your systems and then reintroduce them back slowly. Also I would suggest to follow the same under a dietitian as it can be difficult to do the first time on your own. Secondly I would suggest to get a food intolerance test done to understand if you have any food intolerance. As I mentioned understanding what foods suit you or don’t is a long process and is very individual to one person. You will have to keep trying. It took me almost one to two years to completely understand my system and my IBS to began with was quite mild. But after doing two or three courses of a low impact antibiotic to treat my bad gut bacteria and then finding a good probiotic my gut has improved a lot. But I still from time to time suffer from IBS flares
also another thing I would suggest is to maintain a food diary and record what you eat to see if any particular food effects you more then others in my initial days that was very helpful
Thanks a lot for yr reply and guidance,actually im about to start treatment,i consulted a specialist online the other day and he prescribed probiotics which i havent gotten and taken yet and diet-wise,he just recommended i cut down on carbohydtrates and cut out dairy ,take the medicine for two weeks and tell him the result.
I don't have exactly the same problem as you, but my IBS comes and goes too. I can have days or even weeks of complete normality before my gut starts playing up again. All the comings and goings of it are not at all affected by diet because I always eat the same range of foods.
Nor can I see any relation to stress. I'm beginning to think this is just "how IBS is".
Thanks a lot for yr answer and sharing ,and for the same reason u too explained,that is to say,same foods causing the issue one time and causing no problem next time ,i cant do anything about my diet and im confused whether its because of certain foods or not or its not related to my diet at all😔 and i wonder if u'd mind telling me how different yr ibs is from mine.
Well, I don't gave the same explosive issues that you have, but I do get wind, and sometimes it's worse than other times, but it seems the wind comes out on its own, usually as soon as I wake up in the morning! But I can handle that, as it's just like a lot of air. No nastier issues with it.
I do get times when I even start to believe my IBS has gone away. But I think you also mentioned something similar? So in that way we aren't different, I fall for that one every time and kid myself it's gone.
The foods thing is tricky. I try to stay away from some foods (in my case, onions, garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes, or any veg that has and always had a bit of a laxative effect on me. In the old days that was a mild effect and healthy. But now it's multiplied.
But sometimes I can eat those things with no dramatic effect, and it seems illogical. Why sometimes, and not other times??
I don't generally get a lot of bloating but my lower tummy can swell up a bit randomly, and then that stops happening for days or weeks. I don't get much actual pain, but have had some that's like stitch very low down before a BM.
There may not be a lot of differences on the whole between my IBS and yours (except the explosive kind.)
Thanks a lot for yr answer and sharing.yes i mentioned that my ibs comes and goes for an indefinite period of time and in this case we're similar!yes and the thing which gets on the nerves why sometimes and not other times??Knowing that ibs has no definite cure and on other hand not being 100 percent sure,i havent taken an action toward a serious treatment.have u done a serious treatment so far?
Hello, I had this problem as well and prescribed Colesevelam, 6 tablets a day, take 3 tablets with breakfast and 3 tablets with evening meal. My condition was eventually diagnosed as Bile Acid Malabsorption - there’s a lot of information available online on this issue. Hope you are able to resolve your problem. Take care.
Thanks a lot for yr help and guidance.i wonder if u could tell me if bile acid malabsorption is a form of ibs or ibs itslf??and by taking the medicine that u said,were u able to treat it completely?is yr exposive diarrhea gone now complelety by taking that medicine??
Bile Acid Malabsorption (BAM) is BAM not IBS. You may find this useful.
Morning sorry for you feel your pain only people who suffer from this understands have you tried rejuvenate look up Juvia deals with bacteria in your gut I'm just trying it now so fingers crossed good luck
Hello, I would go to your doctor and ask for a week long course of co-amoxiclav. I am convinced that this should be tbe first line treatment for IBS-D at least. Good luck.
I can empathise. I tried allsorts of biotics, which were disappointing but this has worked for me. not 100%, but a good 85%.l I've changed my breakfast & have full fat yogurt, nothing but the fermented milk, absolutely nothing added, Kerfir , again nothing added, plus fruit, nuts seeds etc. for breakfast. It seems to have calmed my gut.
Thanks for empathising but they say that u must avoid eating dairy based products for ibs,cos its bad for ibs?i dont know if eating dairy based foods is bad or good for me
It's all try & error. I avoided dairy for a long time. But I read an article about the positive effect of fermented milk ( cow or goat) on the gut biome. I have Skyr yogurt, kefir and blue veined cheese. So far I've been a lot more settled, no urgency, no explosions, still have mostly unformed poo. I'm a vegetarian & T2 diabetic, so developing IBS 2ish years ago has made me look harder at everything I eat. I have had to reduce my friut intake & have more veg. Sugar, Fructose or processed, & processed food seem to be more triggering for me. I still use Deflatine by rennie on odd occasions to reduce gas. Have you looked at the monash FODMAP app? It may make a difference to you. I hope you find
Thanks a lot,i have just stopped eating dairy ,even though i love it,just because they say its bad for ibs without even knowing if its bad for my ibs and im currently totally confused diet-wise.n as for the monash fodmap app,i have never looked at it,could u tell me what it does exactly n how i can download it?
You can download it from google play store ( I think it's around £5-6) & it gives you lots of information about foods that generally affect your gut. It has a traffic light system that indicates the amounts that are tolerated in general. It has been really helpful in steering me away from unsuitable foods. They also do a hypnotherapy course which again is very cheap which I think I may try. There is such a strong connection between anxiety & the brain gut connection. Look at the whole monash University site. Good luck it's all trial & error to find your happy place.
I haven't used milk for many years even before IBS. So that's kind of out of the equation. But I find there is never a problem with butter which is fortunate as I hate dry toast, Cheese can be a bit dicey if I eat too much of it, or eat it every day for a few days running. I even had ice cream a couple of times and was fine. But maybe there's a tolerance level?
If you eliminate all dairy just as a test for say a week or two, and your symptoms improve, then you might say you could have a problem with it. If so there's an enzyme called Lactaid which you can have prescribed which might help? But if there's no difference, then maybe you aren't sensitive to it.
I completely understand your problem. It's really hard with IBS-C to get the balance right , and often when trying to reduce the constipation the treatment means it swings the other way .And you get all of the horrible noise because so much gas was stuck in there too so you're letting all of that out as well.
I take a probiotic once a day with my main meal, and eat a small portion of live natural yoghurt before each meal to help settle my stomach and reduce the gas. I have a bigger portion of yoghurt at breakfast with a little honey and some nuts and fruit to make it more palatable. And usually have a tablespoon which I mix with herbs , garlic , tomato etc as a dip with some vegetables or bread sticks before my food , so the yoghurt feels like part of my meal and not just a chore to eat.
I found eating more soluble fibre foods but limiting insoluble fibre foods helped reduce the gas and bloating and helped the constipation without the in off explosive effects.
I don't have any food intolerances so I don't have to eliminate any foods for that reason but I found eating less saturated fat and limiting my meat intake also helped the constipation . Reducing sugar to occasional treats and avoiding all artificial sweeteners and flavourings helped reduce the diarrhea and the bloating. Eating five small portions a day rather than three big meals that can just be too much for your gut to process also helps.
I take, just one , rather than the recommended two capsules of pure turmeric and garlic each day as well as a full multi vitamin and mineral, but if you are on any other medications check before trying supplements first in case they interact with your prescribed drugs , as they can do , especially with beta blockers or blood thinners.
I take Buscopan each day to reduce the spasms and relax the intestines to help reduce my constipation which is nerve based. It can help with the pain of IBS in general . My daughter uses Mebeverine for the same symptoms , you need to check with your GP and try different things before you find what works.
When I am constipated I start slowly and on low doses with any medications or sachets to help clear it and take them at night , to give them chance to bring a gradual change rather than starting on a big dose and getting the explosion in the days after.
Breathing exercises , gentle abdominal massage and relaxation can also do wonders for controlling the constipation without the side effects and sudden change in symptoms but you need to do them daily for them to work as part of your self care routine.
Hope things improve soon, Bee
Thanks a lot for yr time and guidance but u have refered to yoghurt as part of the diet ,but i have read that u must avoid taking dairy-based products for ibs cos generally speaking its bad for ibs,on the other hand i dont know which foods are good and which foods r bad for my ibs,coz for a weak or two for example the same various foods i eat cause no problrms ,for another one weak or two ,i consecutively get explosive diarrhea.some times for one day or two days some times more or less.
Yes , it can be very confusing and take time to find the individual self care and diet that suits you and your particular triggers. Dairy , is a good example, often it isn't eating dairy that causes the problem but the lactose. If you test as lactose intolerant you may need lactofree dairy products. Many people can't eat a wide range of dairy but get help from the live and fermented dairy products like yoghurt and kefir because it helps improve their gut bacteria. Using the tips to guide you helps and finding what works for you personally is what makes the big difference in the end.
Thanks a lot but how i can test my self to see if im lactose intolerant when for example for a weak or two or a few days dairy-based and various other foods dont cause explosive diarrhea and for another weak or few days the same foods ive eaten before,dairy ot non-dairy cause explosive diarrhea??
You can get Intolerance blood tests done either by the GP or privately. Have they already done the tests at your surgery to check if you have coeliac , Crohn's ?
Ask the GP to refer you to the Dietitian, it can be a bit if a wait for an appointment but it's worth it. They don't only help guide you through doing elimination diet tests or recommend a good plan , they can also request the GP to do the stool sample tests for inflammation, bacteria and enzyme problems that they often aren't willing to do because of the cost.
The dietitian can also suggest prescribed products to you and your GP and organise physiotherapy sessions that might help or suggest for the GP to refer you to the right specialists.
From what you have described it sounds like your are suffering from mixed IBS ( constipation and diarrhea) which can happen for a big variety of reasons that need ruling out including bacterial issues, inflammatory conditions, and nutrient or enzyme imbalances that can all be checked over a period of time via your GP.
Hope you find out what your causes are soon, take care , Bee
Thanks a lot for yr answer.i have never done any tests and i read online for ibs diagnosis,no test is required and the doctor can diagonse ibs easily just by consulting u and asking u questions about the symptoms .i called a specialist online the other day and he did exactly the same thing saying i have ibs and seemed to be sure of his diagnosis,during the the 10 minute call,he diagnosed my issue as ibs ,just told me to cut down on carbohydtares and avoid dairy,prescribed some probiotics(which i havent gotten yet) to take for two weeks n tell him the result.but im a little skeptical myself about his quick diagnosis on the other hand i say go get them and see how it goes ,on othe other hand i say to myself go make an appointment and see a specialist in person.
I don't blame you for feeling skeptical. For a start you could maybe do with a blood test, and a couple of stool analysis checks. One for hidden blood, and another for Calprotectin (and Lactoferrin) If there are no red flags there that can weigh the argument a bit more towards IBS and not any inflammatory condition or other things. But no one should diagnose IBS without running at least some simple tests initially, to see if any further investigation is required. Especially a GI specialist! It doesn't sound like they are being fair to you.
Even so, a condition like microscopic colitis can pass under the radar on so many tests, and yet still create merry hell in your gut. And the only way to diagnose that is via a biopsy (during colonoscopy) It can only be seen under a microscope.
If your symptoms match with that, it might be worth mentioning to your doctor.
Thanks a lot for yr answer and advice.no i havent done any tests or treatments and i intend to start treatment.just the other day i talked to a,specialist online n during the ten minute appointment he diagnosed my problem as ibs prescribed some probiotics and just sth very general about my diet to cut down on carbohydrates and cut out dairy.i havnt gotten and takenthe medicine though,cos im still a little skeptical and unsure of his diagnosis.i had already read online,though that in order for a doctor to diagnose ibs ,no test is needed n they can do so just besed on asking u questions about the symtoms.on the one hand i say to my slelf go get the medicine,try them and check the result on the other hand i say to myself make an appointment and see a good specialist in person.i havent made up my mind yet.as for the mixed ibs ,i have never heard such a thing before ,cos i read online that both constipation and diarrhea r two main symtopms of ibs as well as other symtoms.
Alflorex probiotic has helped me the most with IBS and it has been scientifically studied for it. If it is also related to stress, you could try the Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app.
Hi. IBS is a diagnosis arrived at when doctors test you for all other possibilities and you have none of those. So then you are told you have IBS. I had IBS for years and then started having explosive diarrhea. I know exactly what you are describing as far as being embarrassed and powerless. I have celiac which was finally discovered, so I don't eat gluten. But still I had the explosive diarrhea. You could possibly have microscopic colitis, which cannot be identified unless you have a colonoscopy and during it they do a biopsy of your colon. It is only identified under a microscope. If you do have it, they usually prescribe Budesonide as a first effort. After 8 weeks, some people are cured. Some relapse after going off the Budesonide, so then they are put on a maintenance dose. Some people can do okay just taking Pepto-Bismol. You could try that first, but if that is not helpful get yourself a colonoscopy to rule out microscopic colitis. It is only becoming more familiar to doctors in the recent past, so some don't even think to check for it. But now it is becoming more well known and more often diagnosed. Good luck. Nobody understands unless they have it and how do you describe it to someone?
Thanks a lot for yr answer and sharing.u know,i read online that for diagnosing ibs ,no test is done and the diagnosis is done by the doctor just by consluting u and asking questions about it and symptoms.i consulted a doctor online and he did exactly the same thing and didnt prescribe any tests and just told me that u have ibs and he prescribed some probiotics(which i havent gotten yet) and told me to cut down on carbo hydrates and avoid dairy and tell him the result after two weeks.but im still a little skeptical myslf but the doctor seemed to be sure.one the one hand i say to myself go get the probiotics ,take them and check the result ,on the other hand i say to myself go make an appointment and see a good doctor in person.i havent made up my mind what i should do yet.by describing it to someone u mean ,describing my issue to people around me??
What specifically have you tried. But if I know anything about explosive diarrhea is that I just own it and not care what others think. Everyone has issues, only the most shallow of people cannot handle those truths that are around you.
I am probably totally wrong here, because I don't get the same thing, but I always thought "explosions" were caused by a lot of gas being forced out at the same time as a bm. You said you have your gas problem under control now but I wonder if it's that? And another thing: gas seems to build up overnight and let loose in the morning with me. So if your issue happens in the morning maybe it's the cause?,
That could be caused by fermentation in the colon of certain carbohydrates or resistant starches, or by something that isn't digesting fully in the small intestine, and is passed on into the colon semi digested. ? Potatoes and things made from potato contain resistant starch which always passes into the colon undigested fully.
Have you tried: things to break up wind such as Rennie Deflatine or something else....cutting out the main offenders for wind such as cauliflower, broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, cabbage etc....or the low Fodmap diet?
Thank u so much for ur answer and sharing.by bringing my flatulance under control i didnt mean that i have no gas any more,u know,i just reduced the amount of each meal and it helped a lot,u know i used to let gass out many times in between meals and it annoyed me so much and when someone was around i had to hold it inside n use the bathroom a lot just for gas,but now it has improved significantly but i still do feel bloated and my stomach is still bloated but much less than before and its not annoying any more and its almost to the point of being normal but not completely normal,and no i dont get explosive diarhhea just in the morning ,it can happen anytime in the day or at night but yr right,the amont of gas in my system isnt still normal ,cos were it normal,i wouldnt get explosive diarrhea.i wish that there were a medicine that could remove this excessive gas for people suffering explosive diarrhea ,if this were possible,i could have gotten a long with the frequent diarrhea till the end of my life!!the thing which i hate about it us that its along with the gas all the time causing so much anger and embarrasement for me a kind of guy extremely caring about hygienic matters.and yes i did try one kind of tablet for flatulance ,one thought to be one of the best and most well knkwn pills called"dimiticon"which was useless and i didnt feel any change gas-wise.just by reducing the amount of the three main meals and adding small snacks in between meals, i was able to bring it under control and it improved significantly.but at a loss what to do about this disgusting embarassing explosive diarrhea😔
My problem with explosive diarrhea started two weeks to the day after my third Covid booster shot when I had it for 10 weeks. I've gotten it under control by eating Greek yogurt (and I add peanuts) for protein before having my black tea followed by a decaf in the morning. It doesn't always work, but I'd say that I only have problems maybe 1 out of 7 days now instead of everyday, which could be linked to stress. Of course, I can't prove there's a connection but it seems likely.....
The buzz word going around in the Gastro world is microscopic colitis, this causes pain and explosive diarrhea. Biosopies are taken during a colonoscopy.
Is your screen name taken from literature? I ask because it's unexpected from a guy.
Good guess!it sure is taken from literatire,one of the most beautiful and well known romantic stories ever "jane ayre"which drove me crazy!!any chance uve already read the book??
Is it like an explosion with no control or warning? If so I had this, so very embarrassing! Are you on any anxiety tablets? if so it could be them that are causing it! That was the cause of mine, needless to say I do not take them anymore. Perhaps speak to a good IBS consultant? Good luck.
Yes,Exactly with with no control or warning.im on no anxiety medication, have never been,i think its the ibs itself causing it,as u put it so very embarrassing,it comes and goes from time to time and lasts for a few days and then returns in a few days or weeks.i did speak to a digestive system specialist the other day on line.during the ten minute consultation ,he diagnosed my problem as ibs,prescribed some probiotics which i havent gotten yet,cos im not complety certain about his diagnosis n interestingly ,he didnt ask me to do a test at all,just based on my words and symtoms ,he said its ibs and seemed to be sure,i myself think its most likely ibs and hes right but still im not 100 percent sure.sometimes i say to myslf go make an appointent and see a specialist in person,but i havent made up my mind yet.
I have IBS also, but the explosions my consultant said were not due to IBS as I didn't get pain with it. Do you get pain with yours? Absolutely a good idea to see a specialist, if you can get an appointment. Good luck.
Thanks a lot,i dont get any pain with it my explosive diarrhea,either.does it mean that like u,if the explosion is not with pain,its not ibs and its another disease???the specialist online didnt say or even ask about pain with it
That I'm not sure! he said it definitely wasn't IBS without pain, he was 100% certain it was my tablets, and it appears that was the problem, hopefully all seems fine so far.
Are you on any medication at all? maybe a good idea to check whether it might be a side effect, a lot of drugs affect the bowl.
Thats interesting!!had no idea pain could play a role in explosive diarrhea for diagnosing ibs.im on no anxiety medication whatsoever and has never been.i wonder why the online specialist didnt ask if i have pain with it and as i told u before,he prescribed no tests either,just after the 10 minute consultation said its ibs and seemed to be sure.
Could be good to have a Colonoscopy, I hope you get something sorted. While I was having explosions, I started wearing Nappy pants, as I called them, 'just in case'. I now feel happy just wearing a small pad, I feel liberated!
Have you heard of blue muffins? You can look the recipe up on line. So far as I understand, they are made adding Royal Blue food colouring (Amazon for it) and nothing else will do. You watch the toilet bowl for the result. That will tell you your transit time and from there, which food you ate at the beginning. No good trying sweetcorn or beetroot because foodstuffs behave differently and it needs to be a reaction to the food you normally eat.
I’ve been along the IBS route and still don’t eat the main triggers but having read The Glucose Goddess, Ultra Processed People and Food for Life, I’ve started on the Join Zoe plan, hence the continuous glucose monitor, keeping me steady. Explosions are rare now although the other problems are still there, mainly due to a sigmoid resection eight years ago.