For most of my life I’ve had issues with irregular bowel movements and- sometimes- bad constipation, which I’ve managed to deal with. Now, at 70, I’ve been diagnosed with IBS, mainly because of persistent pain in my upper right side for 2 or 3 years. I thought it was a gall bladder problem- awful pain. GP have me Buscopan and pain relief. Told to use heat pad to relieve episodes (good job I’m retired!) I felt desperate. I Googled like crazy and read that olive oil can help with constipation- helps to retain water in the stools. I learned that 10-30mls a day is actually good for you in all sorts of ways - heart health etc. Since I’ve been having Olive oil at night followed by the same amount of prune juice I’ve only had two flare-ups of severe pain and I have regular bowel movements for the first time in my life! Still early days but fingers crossed. Hope this may help some of you fellow sufferers.
helpful tip for regular bowel movement - IBS Network
helpful tip for regular bowel movement

Well done and thanks for the tip🙏
A morning coffee (fresh, not sure if instant coffee works) keeps my system moving in a good routine every morning. Porridge and fruit and yogurt for breakfast. Plus I exercise every day (even if it’s a short brisk walk) and drink water throughout the day when I remember. This has worked for me so thought I’d pass it on in case it’s helpful. Hope things improve for you soon.
Is it the olive oil or the prune juice. It may be just the one thing helping. May be worth experimenting
I have found taking olive oil on an empty stomach is also helping me
Wow, it feels like you should be congratulated for your years of persistence, thanks for the advice.
have you tried those big dates, two a day work wonders
Thats good, i think i will try the olive oil, i like it on food anyway. It probably softens the stools. Prunes are not fodmap friendly and can cause pain, so i assume its the oil that is helping
I read somewhere that olive oil can help . Will give it a try at night
Just to mention, I guess you are having plenty of liquids all day every day, as that has always been cause of my Constipation, basically too lazy to keep drinking, it definitely takes willpower in my case to keep forcing myself to keep bother getting a drink, need more self-discipline!