I’m hoping someone can help me! This is incredibly embarrassing and I’m so frustrated and don’t know what else to do! I have a number of conditions such as fibromyalgia, erythromelalgia, pelvic floor dysfunction and other problems as well as some unknown problems! But my biggest and most problematic symptom is my constant and painful BMs. I’m newly under St marks Hospital because of my bowel issues and I’ve been prescribed Qufora irrigation as a last resort because nothing else is working to help me relieve myself properly. I’m on laxatives everyday, stool softeners, suppositories, enema and now irrigation… and even if I do all the above in a day there is still stool left in my bowel. It’s not just a feeling of me needing to go, I genuinely have to go and there is always stuff leaving my body. I’ve asked every doctor I’ve seen and no one seems to be able to answer my question! Why do I have to go soo much all the time?! I am yet to see my consultant at St Marks and have only seen a specialist nurse so far but she can’t answer my questions and neither can my gp.
Sorry for the rant and thanks for your time! Xx