IBS C Treatment?: Hi there! What are the... - IBS Network

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IBS C Treatment?

KittyKitten profile image
10 Replies

Hi there!

What are the treatments for IBS C? Has anyone found anything that works?

I have had issues ever since I had my appendix removed and had anorexia. When trying to eat again and better I developed a problem where I just can't go properly anymore. I almost never get an urge to go unless I "stimulate" it somehow but it is never a normal or complete BM. I have been on lots of antibiotics over the years too. I have had this problem for 10+ years and my body will not go back to normal despite no longer being sick with anorexia. I'm just not sure what to do?? I am always uncomfortably "full" and bloated. I don't always have gas but it feels like there is always a balloon in my stomach that makes me look pregnant. My tummy is usually always tender to the touch. Sometimes it makes me grumpy because of the pain. I also can't wear tight clothes because of the pain and looking pregnant. My BMs are not hard, they just won't come out! It has been worse since eating more (I thought weight gain would help based on my history), but now I can't "stimulate" it enough to keep up and I feel more and more backed up. I dunno how to fix this!

Things I tried over the years: coffee, hot water, restorelax/miralax, lactulose, stimulant laxatives, suppositories, prunes/prune juice, smoking (bad I know, but would stimulate a movement sometimes), gluten free diet, less dairy, fibre, etc. Some of these things can help (coffee, stimulants) but some do nothing or will cause extreme pain (the rest listed). But I have no solution?

I usually have coffee or hot water and wait 1-3 hours until I have a partial movement, and I'm tired of wasting my days doing this. I get severe pain if I don't go.

Does this resonate with anyone? How do I fix this? I also have severe fatigue, acne/bumpy skin, nutrient issues and I think it could maybe be all related somehow.

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KittyKitten profile image
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10 Replies
Meleber profile image

Hi, unfortunately there is no magic pill for IBS. What's helping me for my bowel is cascara sagrada as a laxative. However I have to mention that during my latest colonoscopy colouring of the intestinal lining was observed. Almost certainly caused by the chronic use of cascara sagrada as laxative and I am not sure if I am allowed to continue to take it. I have an appointment with my gastroenterologist on the 5th of November and then I will hear what she thinks.

Prior to my next appointment I'm currently trying an alternative laxative, Dulcolax picosulphate 2,5 mg capsules instead of bisacodyl 5 mg.I only take one each time and seems to help. It's better for my bowel instead of 5 mg. I found 5 mg (bisacodyl) too 'agressive', too harsh in combination with constipation.

Regarding food, I can't digest insoluble fibres so have to be careful what I eat. I did eat some two days ago, wasn't too careful, and the day after very constipated and trapped gas and couldn't eat. First had to have bowel movement to make room. In the past I used a food processor to chop my evening meal and it did help a bit but I don't do it anymore. I eat bread made of buckwheat and drink lactose free milk and have to be careful with the amount of fat. Also avoid histamine releasing food products and spicy food ingredients.

I agree that issues you mention seem to be related, I experience the same. My best theory is that I have dysbiosis in my colon. I now try to 'solve' it by taking saccharomyces boulardii and bacillus coagulans, you can read about my latest trial elsewhere on this forum. I'm thinking about discussing a trial of cyclic chronic use of antibiotics with my new gastroenterologist but when typing this I also think it isn't the 'best'/healthy solution. Wishing you all the best in your IBS journey.

KittyKitten profile image
KittyKitten in reply to Meleber

Thank you for your reply! But I am sorry you are going through all of that.

I appreciate your detailed post and I will take some time to look into what you have mentioned.

I have also tried many different foods and none seem to improve my constipation. When I ate gluten free, it became worse somehow and certain foods will cause gas, but constipation never improves.

I have a theory that there is something messed up with my bacteria, especially due to restricting foods. I heard that the appendix might have a function in restoring good bacteria, and I think not having one has contributed as well. I don't react well to antibiotics and maybe this is why (and I'm scared to take them now). I also feel like I could have some nerve damage due to severe malnutrition for so long and taking some stimulant medications when I was sick. These are just guesses though, and I don't actually know or have a way of finding out. But I'm just left with this IBS C diagnosis that I don't know what to do with.

I hope in the future, more research will go into this and we can finally have clear answers and solutions!!

Meleber profile image
Meleber in reply to KittyKitten

Hi, are you currently seeing a gastroenterologist for your bowl problems or a qualified dietician?

KittyKitten profile image
KittyKitten in reply to Meleber

Yes, I do currently have a gastroenterologist. But they are less than helpful. I have an eating disorder dietician and a low fodmap dietician, however due to my anorexia I never fully pursued the low fodmap direction. That and I have awful fatigue so grocery shopping and making meals is changing for me

Pat1 profile image

I have chronic constipation. I have been to private consultant and had the tests done. There are two drugs that you can get on the NHS called Prucalopride and Linaclotide. They don't work like traditional laxatives, they work on the receptors in the stomach. They should give it to you if nothing else works. Linaclotide which I take now is amazing. Works within hours. It is not like Laxido or Movicol which does nothing for me and makes me bloated. What I also take in between is about 600 to 1000mg of magnesium citrate or oxide on an empty stomach before bed with lots of water. This works great, naturally and is effective. My colorectal consultant recommended it as well. Look up information on magnesium and constipation. If I don't take it I don't go.

There are other magnesium products for the colon that are excellent although more expensive but worth it. They are in order of my preference, Oxypowder, Aerobic Mag07 and Colosan. You can get them on Amazon or a place called the Finchley clinic. They are very helpful and you can call for advice. Hope this helps.

KittyKitten profile image
KittyKitten in reply to Pat1

Thank you for the information! I will look into some of the things that worked for you. I am glad you have found some improvement!

medds profile image

Hey Kitty, I don't just mildly resonate with you, but this is almost my story! I would love to know any form of further treatment.

KittyKitten profile image
KittyKitten in reply to medds

Hi medds!! It is nice to relate to someone but I'm sorry you are going through this as well! It's awful. I do not know how to treat this yet, I wish my body would just fix itself! There are some things I haven't tried yet that others have listed on this post, so I still have more to test out! If I find something that works, I will let you know for sure!

Rumours profile image

Hi Kitty I really do empathise with you - I have been suffering with IBSC and slow transit for 30 years and am still no nearer to finding a solution!I am currently prescribed Prucalopride and Linaclotide by my Gastroenterologist but neither seem to be effective so I tend to alternate them with 5mg Bisocodyl (Dulcolax) which you can buy over the counter without prescription. It’s is a stimulant laxative though so will give you gripes! I also recently tried Colosan which is magnesium oxide but all that seemed to do was bloat me badly. I have tried probiotics as recommended by my gastro Probio 7 which I didn’t find effective but may help you, it’s worth a try. Another problem is we can end up spending loads of money on supplements to no effect. Many fellow sufferers recommend the Fodmap diet but as you have had an eating disorder in the past I would be very careful about restricting food groups as it may trigger a relapse - ideally see a qualified dietician. I’m not very disciplined with diets so haven’t tried it myself. Good luck in your search for a solution and keep us all updated, everyone on this forum is keen to learn of anything new! Take care xx

KittyKitten profile image
KittyKitten in reply to Rumours

Thank you Rumours! Yeah it seems like we just have to try and see what works at this point. I hope one day there will be a better solution for this. I haven't tried the linaclotide yet, I was hoping to find a more natural solution before going on a prescription!

I was on the bisocodyl tablets when I first started having this problem. I feel like it would sometimes work for me and sometimes not! But I think taking it for a prolonged time just made my situation worse. If I can't find another solution, this is something I would consider again. I'm glad it's helped you!

And I haven't fully done the low fodmaps yet, my eating disorder dietician advised against it. Among other reasons! It's hard now for me to stick to a diet too!

I really appreciate you giving such a detailed reply about your experiences, and some ideas for me going forward. I am sorry you have been suffering for so long though!

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