I’ve had chest pains/ stabbing & funny feeling on my left side. Where my breast is. Sometimes my back feels like it’s sore right behind that area.. I’ve have it now for 5 months already, since February. 2 weeks after it started I had went to the ER. They did blood work, took my urine, did an EKG & also took an X-ray of my chest & everything was normal… I have the stabbings everyday, all day. It happens a couple times a day for a few seconds.. Do you think it’s serious? Could it go away?
Chest pain/ stabbing: I’ve had chest pains... - IBS Network
Chest pain/ stabbing
Hi Jenn, it’s amazing how many different ways our bodies can hurt without anything showing up on medical tests. My IBS regularly manifests as chest pain, side aches and a sore back. I can’t explain it. Trapped gas? Tightened muscles? Is there something wrong with the actual bowel or muscle or internal organ, or is the brain, for whatever reason, sending pain signals? Fibromyalgia is the same way—weird intractable muscle pain with no lab evidence of disease. People with IBS often also have fibro. I guess I’m saying that these medical conditions are mysterious and can “attack” in various ways and for long periods of time—and then just disappear only to be replaced with some other pain point. We’ve got a glitch, possibly in our brain. It’s scary because it feels like something serious is going on. Some people get relief from anti-depressants. I just plod along and cope with palliative care like hot baths and meditation. Best of luck to you.
Hellooo. Being on here, & knowing that they are others who have been & gotten through what im experiencing does put my mind at ease… I too, was diagnosed with IBS prior to the chest stabbings. I thought IBS only had to do with the lower part of the abdomen but yes, you made alot of sense! That could just be the reason for it all…. Thank you!
I've had that, usually only intermittently and for a few seconds each time but did have 1 and a half days when I couldnt move without pain. I did wonder if I had strained something. I think most of it is a reaction to foods and alcohol and trapped gas. It went on for weeks before I changed to low fodmap, now it's quite rare.
Oh and the other thing is that our brain gut link is different and we experience various internal movements and gas as pain.
I used to get similar pains before I had my gallbladder removed. They did an ultrasound to check for gallstones.
I have had those stabbings in both sides where my ribs meet my abdomen. I try to sit very still take a deep breath relaxing as much as possible. It did go away eventually, although I do get a few jabbings occasionally when I'm full up