Hi I have a severely slow colonic transit. I’m... - IBS Network

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Hi I have a severely slow colonic transit. I’m panicking. No laxatives work any more. I tried all the ones from docs. I can’t go for weeks

Ioana1982 profile image
19 Replies

I hope someone has the same problem - chronic delayed colonic transit - and can help.

Thank you

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Ioana1982 profile image
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19 Replies
penelope2 profile image

Hi loana have you tried flaxseeds?

It's best to start with a small amount first, say a small teaspoon daily then gradually build up to a dessert spoon.

Soak a teaspoon in enough water to cover them, an egg cup works well and keep in fridge overnight.

The seeds swell and the water turns gloopy.

Mix them with a good cereal and don't warm up.

Try this for a few days. You must drink plenty of water throughout the day.

This is a natural laxative and provides oils too.

Unlike other products your digestive system does not become "desensitized".

Also try relaxation or meditation reguarly.

They don't call the gut the second brain for nothing.

Good luck

edwangy profile image

I have this. I eat minimal amount of meat oily fish, prawns, eggs, cheese etc as all these have no fiber at all and are hard to digest. Try to eat more fruit and veg and leave off the laxatives. Try a stool softener like lactulose or dulcoease

bobbyrita profile image

I use magnesium citrate in the bottle a lot. I also use fleet suppositories. I have tried prescription laxatives that don't work. A friend just started with the suppositories and had success.Best of luck


Ioana1982 profile image
Ioana1982 in reply to bobbyrita

Hi Bobby

Thank you! Magnesium citrate didn’t work on me at all. I bought the fleet suppositories too but not used one yet. The dulcolax suppositories work but not amazingly.

Chronic constipation is absolutely horrendous isn’t it xx

bobbyrita profile image
bobbyrita in reply to Ioana1982

i am surprised that the bottle magnesium citrate doesn't work. rats. i think some use it before colonoscopies. glad something works a little. I wrote my doctor and asked for a stomach relaxer. so far he hasn't answered.

the best!


Ioana1982 profile image
Ioana1982 in reply to bobbyrita

Nothing other people say works works for me

I took the strongest magnesium citrate and even took magnesium on top of that and nothing

I had prucalopride from the hospital and that did nothing. It’s a very new medication.

Lactulose and plum juice which so many people like just turns my belly into a hard ball

List goes on

Dulcolax is the only one that’s been working for me for the last few years till recently when I had a med change xxx

bobbyrita profile image

are you drinking a lot of water? bulk stuff makes things worse

Ioana1982 profile image
Ioana1982 in reply to bobbyrita

Yep I do because when the dulcolax worked it was mostly water

It’s a nightmare getting to see any doctor now. They’re all using covid as an excuse not to see patients xxx

How are you?

bobbyrita profile image

i am okay now. I figured out I can still take Vraylar even though it is pricey. It gets rid of the pain. liquid magnesium citrate always works and fleet suppositories. the medication i am on makes me constipated and I dont exercise.

take care and best of luck


raisins? grapes? prunes?kiwi?

Rumours profile image

Hi Ioana, I’ve just joined the group and can empathise with you. I also have severe slow transit colon, IBS and Gastroparesis. I have had digestive problems for over 30 years and tried every laxative under the sun! However I still continue to struggle with my symptoms on a daily basis. Currently am prescribed Prucalopride 2mg which seems totally ineffective so I supplement with Dulcolax and Lactulose, I’m still struggling every day with chronic constipation, pain probably from all the laxatives and bloating. Often people don’t understand how debilitating this condition is! I wish you good luck in your search for a remedy and would be grateful for any advice you can share. Take care.

Ioana1982 profile image
Ioana1982 in reply to Rumours

Hi My email is grigaioana@hotmail.com

If you want to stay in touch.

Are you diabetic by Abu chance?

Hospital gave me prucalopride too and it worked a few times (altii it out made me badly nauseous for a whole day) but recently stopped working

Lactulose doesn’t seem to do anything for me. No osmotics do. I tried them all and only picolax eorks though even that I need 2 sachets and to jump up and down for it to work. I finally heard from Gastro today saying they’ll send me an appointment though that could be forever and a day before I see them. Drop me an email if you want x

Rumours profile image
Rumours in reply to Ioana1982

Hi Ioana glad to hear you’ve heard from gastro hopefully you’ll get an appointment soon. My consultant recommended probiotics called Probio 7 Advanced which you can buy from Holland & Barrett I have been taking them for a while now but unsure if they are helpful or not although I’m going to continue with them. I’m also taking a digestive enzyme in the hope that that will improve things. Like you I’m prescribed Prucalopride which I don’t feel helps at all which is why I supplement with lactulose and Dulcolax. I’m so fed up with relying on stimulant laxatives as they make me feel so unwell. Good luck with your appointment and let us know how you get on.

Ioana1982 profile image
Ioana1982 in reply to Rumours

Hi hon. Gastro in Nottingham are awful. No apptm. I’m now on a waiting list to even have an apptm made. I don’t know what worse situation we’d need to be in to be seen here. I’m using Dulcolax Twelve Pico liquid now.

That’s a different one from dulcolax tablets and seems to work better.

My gp yesteday gave me 20 picolax!!!!! on repeat prescription would you believe.

One of my questions when I see them is it they can test our gut bacteria xxxx

Oceanflow profile image
Oceanflow in reply to Rumours

I have the very same thing! It’s very difficult to live with this and have a life!!

Rumours profile image
Rumours in reply to Oceanflow

Thanks for replying I guess you’ve been up most of the night too! So sorry you’re also suffering but it does help to know we’re not alone! Any tips would be much appreciated and hope things improve for you.

Kdw1 profile image

I've the same problem I'm on cbd oil, aloe vera tablets, fibrogel,silicone gel and I take flaxseed in most foods, I'm so scared of having another flare up the pain was awful especially around the anal area I feel for you it's a nightmare

Rumours profile image

Hi Ioana I really feel for you! It’s a miserable way to live. It’s very disheartening to have to live on stimulant laxatives as their side effects so awful. Having said that my gastro consultant says that they don’t damage the bowel or make it lazy as people often think. Good idea to ask about gut bacteria, that’s why my consultant suggested probiotics as often people with IBS have altered bowel gut microbiome, however probiotics are a minefield and what works for some doesn’t work for others. I’ve heard Alflorex is good but I haven’t tried that yet, still sticking to Probio 7 Advanced for now. Wish you the best of luck and hope you feel better soon xx

Ioana1982 profile image
Ioana1982 in reply to Rumours

Uhh that’s interesting. I really do hope your consultant is right because then we could take stimulants for a very long time. The general rule is that we need them because the nerves don’t work as they should to contract the muscles. So does he think they don’t damage the nerves further? That would be excellent. Well I need some tests for sure but it’s just a waiting game to see them. Shame there are such differences between hospitals. I don’t really know much about probiotics and I have a kidney transplant so can’t use any live bacteria. How are you getting on? Sorry to monopolise our chat cxxxxxx

Rumours profile image
Rumours in reply to Ioana1982

Hi Ioana yeah still struggling but always hopeful things will improve. You definitely need investigation - if you haven’t already request a colon transit test and virtual colonoscopy which is less invasive than colonoscopy. That should put your mind at rest that’s it’s functional problem rather than anything sinister. When I had the transit test all the markers were still in the descending colon after 5 days as nothing shifts for me without laxatives and you are not allowed to take any during the process! All fun stuff! But at least you know what you’re dealing with and I feel it’s just a matter of trial and error, let’s face it we have to eat every day and what goes in must come out eventually! Good luck hon and let us know how you get on xx