health anxiety: Hi l am so anxious about health... - IBS Network

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health anxiety

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7 Replies

Hi l am so anxious about health worries it is destroying my life.

l cannot seem to stop myself from worrying and if l have a ct scan l cannot cope with waiting for results l literally feel sick to my stomach with fear.

cam anyone give me any positive thoughts on this.

l would be very grateful.

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7 Replies
RunningMum11 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear you are suffering so much. It’s totally understandable that you feel concerned and worried. Just try not believe your catastrophic thoughts as it will feed your anxiety further. Also they are very likely not fact, nothing’s certain until your results come back. Have you ever tried mindfulness? This will enable you to just watch your thoughts instead of engaging with them. It’s about recognising you are having them but not judging them in anyway. It’s also not about pushing the thoughts away as they will bounce right back. Take a look on google. Also Cognitive Behavioral Therapy may be something to consider, it may just change your life and help you live a less anxious one. Take care of yourself and hang in there. You are not alone. Xx☺️

Meet your demons head on, have the CT scan and ask for the results asap, its the only way I can cope with things

5seriesbmw profile image

l can certainly relate to your post and your thoughts and feelings are very normal for people struggling with health problems.

From my own personal experience, l would try and not think too far ahead and take each day as it comes, otherwise your worries engulf you. Staying positive and with a glass half full attitude can go along way in your road to health and happiness.

lts a slow process and won't happen overnight, but slowly it will help you to stop worrying.

l used to suffer with alot of anxiety and depression, and went to Cognitive behavioural therapy which has helped me deal with my health issues like cancer and heart attack. lt is very good and explains how your body reacts to stressful situations and how to deal with it. Good luck and please believe that you are not on your own and you Will get through this, just take small steps.

Snoopydrop profile image

So sorry to hear that you are suffering with anxiety. I suffer too but as with the recommendation of RunningMum11 Mindfulness does help. I use Headspace meditation. Since January I have had health issues and it has helped me relax and sleep better. I think you can get a 14 day free trial. Try and use it everyday. I use it at night to get off to sleep. Exercise helps too if you are able. The more you do the more relaxed you are so you sleep better.

Baytree profile image

Hello, please be reassured you are not alone.

At my worst I was Googling symptoms up to 20 times a day. Anything from an ache to a cold all brought me back to the worst conclusion Cancer. It was destroying my life and my family’s as I was constantly asking for their opinions and reassurance.

My Doctor recommended me for CBT. I have never looked back. Unbeknown to me ( as I never associated my problem with his passing) it had all to do with my Dad dying some 10 years before.

Even when the IBS started which is why I joined this Forum I used the coping skills that I learnt from the CBT.

Please don’t suffer alone you can self refer to Health in Mind or talk to your GP .

QuiltLady profile image

I suffer from health anxiety too and it's usually triggered by the slightest symptom. Right now a stuffy nose might make me worry about Covid. I watched this video about dealing with health anxiety and there was good info in it. You could also check out for other resources. Sometimes what helps me is not dwelling on the future, and to just concentrate on today. Hard to do, I know. I once went to the doctor and asked him if he ever worried about his health and he said, "No, why would I do that to myself?" Ever since then I wonder why I do this to myself and am not real sure. I do know that worrying won't change a thing and is usually worse than the physical symptoms that we might have to deal with. Another thought I use that helps is the fact that my chances of survival are great, whatever the worry is about. Try to think about all the people who have recovered whatever is you're worrying about. Realize that you could live to be 90 or 100 years old even if you have ________. We have to look at the positive side of things or we will drive ourselves crazy and it will rob us of the happy life we could be living today. I can totally empathize with you. I've been feeling a bit anxious myself the last week or two. Try to look at the bright side of life and put yourself in God's hands. This is a good video too... Another thing you might try is when those worrisome thought come knocking on your door, don't answer! Just tell them you don't feel like entertaining them today. It really is too exhausting to entertain those joy stealers!

linedance profile image
linedance in reply to QuiltLady

Thanks QuiltLady. I have just watched that webinar and it was very interesting. As you say, come good ideas.

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