What can my mum have or not to have for food with irritable bowel syndrome ?
For my mum who got irritable bowel syndrome - IBS Network
For my mum who got irritable bowel syndrome
The answer to this one is almost impossible to give, and depends on how accurately you require the response to be.
I would start with removing all alcohol and fizzy drinks, as well as peanuts, sweetcorn, Brussels sprouts and baked beans from the diet, straight away. Keep a food and consequence diary (write all food and drink taken together with a note of pain, discomfort and frequency and consistency of BM {bowel motion}).
Ask your GP or GI team to refer you to a dietitian and examine the feasibility of the Fodmap diet.
Good luck and stay safe.
helpforibs.com this is a good site with helpful diet advice
Everyone is different so it's difficult to say don't eat this or that. Suggest she gets in touch with the IBS network re diets/recipes. Wish her good luck in getting it under control.
Hi, my consultant advised me to go on FODMAPS and start eliminating things beginning with dairy to see what made a difference. There’s a whole list of different foods. I cut out dairy and I’ve been great since on the whole. Hope same happens for your mam
There’s a known cure for this. Take a length of string and put it in a drawer. It works as long as you cut it to a specific length and it has to be precise.