I’ve been suffering with IBS most of this year. I have other issues to that I’m seeing an Endocrinologist about & it’s all kind of linked. IBS was confirmed after after a colonoscopy. I swing from D to C on almost a weekly basis. I have it under a kind of control though. I know when I’ve gone to long without the toilet & know when I need to take my time & try to stem the flow shall we say. However over the last 3-4 months I have been getting these eggy/sulphur burps. They have no rhyme or reason they just come out. Thing is people have noticed. I can stop the noise but not the smell. I’m embarrassed & even paranoid to the point I think friends have stopped seeing me because of the burps. Does anyone else have this issue? I have a telephone call with doctor (as that seems to be all I can get at my surgery these days) this week & will ask him but wondered if anyone else has this foul smelling problem with a possible remedy? Thanks
Sulphur Burps: I’ve been suffering with IBS most... - IBS Network
Sulphur Burps

If you need help and support we are here theibsnetwork.org
Remove the usual suspects (Brussels sprouts, baked beans etc. etc.), stop all fizzy drinks, reduce alcohol, really chew your food which should only be eaten in small portions. That should reduce the amount of gas you are producing, and subsequently giving out.
Hi i used to have these all the time...i swore by alka seltzas they worked every time for me and aint had them since.
Hello, this is unusual and suggests that you have some kind of higher GI bacterial infection. You often get burps a couple of hours after eating, as your food is moved in portions into your duodenum and the acid is neutralized in your higher small intestine. If your burps smell bad it could be that you have bacterial infection there that carries up with the gas. I would see your doctor and see what they think, maybe a course of anti-biotics. Otherwise, take Gaviscon tablets a couple of hours after eating to reduce the acidity and gas production, but also you may need to look at SIBO treatment. Do you get bloating too?
thanks for your response. I have had bloating in the past but not recently. I already take Lansoprazole for my acid reflux but that hasn’t helped in recent months. I had a GI infection a few years ago bit never had these burps. I am speaking to doctor later so will see what he says.