I was chatting to my husband about IBS at the weekend and how people don't understand why you can't make arrangements etc. And I found myself saying "at least I know I should make it to my own funeral". It made us laugh.
Thought this might make you laugh on a miserab... - IBS Network
Thought this might make you laugh on a miserable Monday

Ha ha, I bet it did.
I used to have IBS C when first diagnosed in 1996 and found it fairly easy to control as of course I wasn't looking for toilets. Fast forward to November 2018 and a bad bout of food poisoning where I had severe nausea and diarrhoea. The severity of it went on I would say until around May and then it was every few days, then it got a little milder but I still felt unwell and finally end of September I am so much better. I put this down to seeing a Nutritionist in July who said I had a high sensitivity to gluten, rye, barley, formalin (this is a chemical that they sometimes use as a preservative in food - do we really know what they use, it's frightening) and oats and have a medium sensitivity to peas.
I have tested this out as I wasn't sure if she was right as I was still unwell for weeks after seeing her, I have since read online that you can get withdrawal symptoms although my doctor didn't believe any of it. Fast forward to end of September when I started eating sourdough bread and was fine, thought she may have been wrong but then went out for a meal on Tuesday last week and had pasta, big mistake as I felt off right up until yesterday evening, just on and off, not the whole time. I have since learnt from the IBS Network which I'm a member of that some people with IBS can tolerate sourdough, particularly if it's made with Spelt flour, I've yet to make some as the first batch didn't work because our house was too cold. Now I can see I can eat sourdough but not any other kind of gluten. I also can't eat anything with peas in it; I had a Vegan Magnum back in August and was poorly that night, didn't realise pea protein was listed as an ingredient.
To sum up, best thing I did was see a Nutritionist, I'm so much better.

So glad for you, I saw a fodmap dietician today. It feels like my last hope after a year of diarrhoea
Oh no, poor you. Someone said to me on here that they'd seen a Fodmap Specialist and there's no looking back. Definitely the right way forward.
Gut Biome tests are also good.

may i ask how did you get tested for food sensitivities ? by blood test ? is there a specific name to this test ?
I saw a Nutritionist and was the best £41 I've spent, well worth it. I visited the Nutritionist through a recommendation by a friend. I'd ask around or may be through a local Facebook group to your area for a recommendation.

Thank you for your reply ..yes I realised from your previous posts that you saw a Nutritionist , but I mean did you get a blood test for food sensitivities / intolerances ? or just an elimination diet then pinpointing your sensitivities by trial and error ?
The blood tests I had from the doctor as far as I'm aware were to rule out other conditions and not food sensitivities. I have 3 doctors at my surgery and saw the lady doctor once and the two male doctors on several occasions and neither suggested any kind of food intollerance/sensitivity but one of them did give me a couple of websites for the Fodmap diet but he didn't think much of the Nutritionist I saw, he had no interest in that.
I already knew I couldn't have raw onions or raw carrots as well as some fruits but I hadn't worked out which ones. My saving grace was seeing the Nutritionist. I had an idea it may have been gluten and she confirmed it and I've created it after not eating it for around 2 months. I can eat fermented bread i.e. sourdough but not other breads, pasta or anything else that contains gluten.
Personally I would see if anyone can recommend a Nutritionist in your area, best money I've ever spent as well as the Gut Biome test.
All the very best.

Thanks again for your helpful advice👍 I had a look into sourdough bread and why some can tolerate it although it has gluten ..turns out the secret is in the fermentation process that the new industry has ditched for a faster commercial leavening yeast !! here is a link that explains the missed out details of the Sourdough bread facts :
You are welcome. Yes it's definitely the fermentation process that makes it better and that more can tolerate it. The sourdough I have in the freezer is from an artisan baker near where I live but I will be making my own, particularly as we now have 2 of our heaters on, our house was too cold when I tried the starter last week. Yes the commercial sourdough i.e. most supermarkets isn't the same, I think you can find out online who sells the 'real stuff'.
Thank you for posting the link.😀
It's always nice to laugh at our IBS, even if it is a little bit dark. I always joke that I will die on the toilet like Elvis supposedly did!