I'm having a flare up of severe colon pain, trapped wind and nausea. I've had to take two days off work, I don't know if it's Ibs or a bug. I've been really hot and feeling like I'm going to pass out anyone got any suggestions?
Bad flare up: I'm having a flare up of severe... - IBS Network
Bad flare up

Are you passing wind? If not go straight to A&E, you may have an obstruction. If the pain is really bad, try a hot water bottle and stay in bed curled up laying on your left side. (This is the best way to allow the wind to become un-trapped) I don't know why, but it works for me. If the pain is really severe, and you are sweaty and clammy, phone 111, 999 or even go straight to A&E.
Sending good thoughts : yesterday I woke with your symptoms minus the nausea and immediately assumed it was a bug cos I had d* but felt more or less better once I'd used the bathroom except for spasms throughout the day. Yours sounds like a viral thing cos you felt hot but bugs are more fast and furious than general symptoms I think, do you have a temperature?
Exactly the same thing happened to me last month. Was sent straight to hospital by GP and was admitted with Epiploic Appendagitis. Was kept in for five days until blood inflammatory and infection levels came back to normal. I was taken off foods and put on to intravenous fluids for two days and high dose of intravenous antibiotics. Have got to have a colonoscopy in a few weeks time as they are not sure if I might also have diverticulitis.
Iv suffer with similar issues with my ibs, for me i use buscapan and ibuprofen. Buscopan reduces the spasms/ cramping pains by relaxing the muscles and ibuprofen 400mg (taken after food so not to damage ur stomach) to reduce inflamtion and pain.
This can sometimes get rid of the problem completly and other times it can ease it enough so i can still go to work and do normal evey day acticities.
If you suffer this pain often, it may be a good idea to moniter your diet or seak ibs diet advise. For me greens and high fibre/ high amounts of spice trigger my ibs (especially nuts, cabbage and onions).
I hope you find a way to resolve your problem or at least ease your pain. Good luck

Sorry to hear that. If you're still feeling unwell we recommend consulting your GP.
That has happened to me yesterday it was a baked sweet potato that did it for me it’s an IBS flairup from food. Look at what you ate and take it from there if you know what I mean. That’s what mine was any way. It hurts bad too. So sorry you have to go through this too. I also get headache sweating and hot cold clammy neausea etc.all of your systems.
Great isn't it, its eased off a bit but now I seem to be constipated am thinking of taking some fybogel I'm either one way or the other. Just started eating a bit more normally after a week of not a lot. I think alot of it is trapped wind I find lying on my left side sometimes helps to shift it. I hope you feel better soon . Take care.