Symptoms have changed since last post, does this still sound like IBS?
What I’m experiencing now, is the following:
-Changed bowel movements. For a few days everything was normal again! I was so excited. For the past day it’s been light bowel movements with some mucus (didn’t have that before). I wouldn’t call it diarrhea, but it’s definitely not solid either. I still have intermittent abdominal discomfort (comes and goes, never overly painful, I’d say a 3 or 4 on a scale of 1-10)
-Gas/ stomach bubbling/rumbling (also has calmed in the last week or so
-some pain in anus area? Hard to describe but it is very random, lasts about 5 seconds and it’s gone again. (Newer symptom but seems to also be improving)
Anyone experience this kind of stuff before?