Hi just wondering if anyone has experience of dealing with IBS in teenagers? Son (17) having lots of issues with pain, constipation, wind etc. He is quite upset by this as otherwise healthy. I don't feel GP taking seriously enough. Currently trying a course of acupuncture. Any advice on how I might pursue this with GP? Any medications I should be enquiring about? Thanks in advance! Bev
IBS teenage son: Hi just wondering if anyone has... - IBS Network
IBS teenage son

It might be helpful for you to take him to see a gastroenterologist.
I used to be a teenager.
Acupuncture is good but I wouldn't start with that.
First of all I would change his diet. (If he doesn't do it yet.)
Less milk, flour, processed foods and more fiber like oat.
Kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut for probiotics.
My dsughter a bad flare up In September. Used buscopan which you can be bought over the counter . That really helped as did mint tea . Then got mebevrine from the Gp and mintec. Great ideas and help on this site when you search using key words . We also read that banana are good for Ibs . My daughter is now managing her ibs well . Also made worse by stress . She also stopped Milk and cheese and then re-introduced slowly and fine with if does not have cereal every morning and sticks to skimmed milk. We also kept a diary of what she ate and symptons which really helped as could see a pattern of triggers .
Try the FODMAP diet. I’m a teenager rn and that’s the thing that has helped me the most- I never would have realised that onion and garlic give me problems!!
Hi there
I've recently been using A2 milk in place of lactose-free or dairy alternatives. So far, I been ok with it in my diet. Taste-wise, it's hard to tell the difference between it & "ordinary" milk & I've not had the symptoms I experience should I drink milk. Perhaps it may help a little in relieving your son's symptoms? I am sorry to read of his problems - any chance some may be stress-related if he's recently been or is currently in the middle of exam pressure? Peppermint oil capsules help me with wind/bloating etc - "Holland & Barrett" do a variety of strength options (also have a very comprehensive website, if you're not near a retail outlet).
Hope this may help somewhat.
I've tried accupunture for its. Ithe doesn't work. I.m currently constipated to hell& I. My getting by with lactulose"stoolsoftener" & brand flakes what a nightmare x
Hi everyone, thank you so much for taking the time to respond. Lots of things to consider/try.
Keep well everyone 😁
Awful for a "young one" to have to put up withere. X
I know! Really getting to him and he is such an upbeat lad. Has had lots of tests and thankfully nothing more serious - sorry, not downplaying IBS in any way. Now need to manage his symptoms. Just feel GP not taking it seriously enough. Do not want him getting depressed about this. Lots of suggestions given by people on here so onwards and upwards x
Thanks for this info. Will look into your suggestion 😀
I have the same I had a stool test done by GP and had h.pylori bacteria in my gut and had to take a strong course of antibiotics which helped for a little while, I have been to see a dietician who deals with food tolerances and now been put on a crash diets to see what fermentation bacteria my body's doing , I am booked in to have the camera both ends so hopefully should get some answers , if not happy get your doctor to refer him x
I’m 17 as well, miralax helps when I have been constipated for a few days, also keeping a vegetarian diet has helped me a little bit. The FODMAP diet is also worth a try if he’s willing. Medical cannibis can be helpful for pain, Everyone’s body is different though so good luck!
i'm 19 and have been suffering with IBS for around 5 or 6 years. The FODMAP diet worked for me so I'd recommend that.
Being a teenager and having IBS is very hard. I hope he doesn't feel isolated and knows that he isn't alone.