Does anyone else feel washed out with this constant diarrhoea I'm so fed up of feeling ill.
Fed up: Does anyone else feel washed out with... - IBS Network
Fed up

Bless you I've been there. What do you think your trigger is this time? Are you trying any meds? Take some Imodium if you need a break from it. X
Loperamide and that does not really work much either
Ask your doc for mebeverine I really noticed a difference with this. Have you tried FODMAP? Wheat/gluten and dairy tend to be common triggers but could be lots more. Also stress/anxiety. What does your doc say? X
I'm very stressful right now and scared to what it maybe so can't eat or sleep,lost a lot of weight but I can afford too
I've been there. Unfortunately stress/anxiety and IBS is a viscious cycle. Anxiety Panicking about Panic by Justin Fletcher is a great book focusing on physical symptoms and working on them. Keep trying trial and error with your IBS but also look at your stress, some counselling may help it helped me. X
Ask your doctor if you can try Questran (cholestyramine). This is a treatment for Bile Acid Disorder (BAD) which causes never-ending diarrhoea.
This condition isn't always recognised by medics although it's the cause of many cases of so-called IBS-D.

Was talking to her yday did not want to know useless I'm basically on my own
I have a rectal prolapse I'm wondering if that could be causeing the diarrhoea as it maybe stopping stools coming through.As most days I feel I'm sitting on a brick I have a special cushion?
Oh Yes you do feel washed out I take Body Biotics and Inulation powder every morning it has help a lot with stabilizing the diarrhea plus now I am on GLutamine and Moducare the first set puts healthy stuff back in your gut that the diarrhea takes out like healthy Flora and accidolpilus stuff. the second one helps with the IBS to control it better and the third one moducare helps get your immune system under control as with IBS it is all out of whack. try them out I am much better now and my IBS is Much more under control. I am not good at explaining it but I am much better and more under control these are natural healthy products no side effects from any. good luck