I've had crohns nearly 30 years used to be able to cope with it now struggle most days with low mood council say I don't qualify for any hoke help any suggestions
Feeling fed up: I've had crohns nearly 30 years... - IBS Network
Feeling fed up

Hi, I don't want to sound rude or anything but this is a group for IBS. There is a site on HealthUnlocked called "Crohn's and Colitis Support", I am wondering if you might get more help from that group. All the best, Maureen.
Hi Maureen, I sadly disagree, we're here to help, whether IBS or an inflammatory bowel condition. The symptoms can be similar, although with a confirmed diagnosis Pte12, may actually qualify for additional help, maybe not from the council directly but it does depend on what help he needs 😉
I've had crohns disease for 30 years trying to get some help with keeping house tidy and meals x
Yes, we are here to help, that is why I suggested Pte12 try the "Crohn's and Colitis Support" site. You are a member of that site too, so it made sense to me. I was only trying to help. I am sorry if I sounded like I didn't care!
Awe Maureen you always care, bless you. I just thought as the chap posted here I could say what I knew. Yes I am on the crohn's and colitis support but also here. I find this site more informative and supportive than c&c to be honest, however I've had valuable information from both for different things xxx
Hi Pte12, you may qualify for additional help and I would say have a look at the crohn's and colitis uk website, if you haven't already. I would also speak to your GP and IBD team as they can offer advice. Plus if you're able, visit your local citizens advice bureau, they maybe able to advise if you're entitled to any additional benefits. I don't know your individual situation but the people I've mentioned would be a good start. The disease itself is bad enough but battling the system is hard if you don't know it. I'm definitely no expert and lucky that I can still work but keep your chin up, you can do this xxx
I hate crohns it's an evil silent illness always tired I've got an appeal going through at the minute as I only get the lower amount of pip I feel and my crohns doctor thinks I should get the highest amount then I'd be able to finance getting someone to help around the house thanks for your support xx
I was diagnosed officially with small bowel crohn's last September after years of no answers. Unfortunately you do need to push for pip which I think is disgraceful what some have to do to get what they're entitled to. Hopefully you will get what you need with the supporting information from your consultant and GP. Let us know how you get on