How long should charcoal tablets to get into your system and take effect for excessive wind?
Charcoal tablets: How long should charcoal... - IBS Network
Charcoal tablets

To be honest I don't think they do. Just because charcoal works in industrial applications, doesn't mean they work in digestive systems. I know the packet says otherwise. I'd be pleased to be enlightened
I suffer with colitis and I take colpermin for bloating and excessive wind buy it over the counter from the chemist, was recommended it by the pharmacist, I think you can also get it on prescription, I find it works well and has helped me a lot, best of luck.
I take activated charcoal tablets when I'm suffering badly from wind (bloating, flatulence/loud gurgles, chest pain) and I would say it works within 20 mins or so on the chest pain, within an hour on the flatulence and overnight on the bloat. I don't take it every day but always keep a bottle in my bag just in case. Maybe won't work for everyone but seems to help me.
Interesting. How much do you take? I've heard it can cause constipation - is that the case?
The ones I take (Holland & Barrett I think) says take 3 tablets 3 times a day, but I've found I only need to take one lot of 3 tablets when I'm suffering and that's all. I suffer from mainly ibs-c anyway so am regularly 'bunged up', but taking these certainly doesn't seem to make it any worse. My hubby (who doesn't have ibs) takes them when he's feeling bloated and they don't seem to cause him any problems either. But again, we only take them as needed, not on a regular basis.
What is the aim of these tablets as I have IBSd. Wondered if they would help.
Hi If your bunged up it could take about a week
Very Best Wishes
You seem to need to take so many for them to slightly work and then you're not supposed to take them for long periods so the wind will just return. I've found the best over the counter remedy to be WindEze (simeticone) and these contain more of the active ingredient than other brands. Colpermin gave me excessive heartburn. Evidently its one of those products you either tolerate or not. All are expensive if you need to take every day and so annoying that they are not available on prescription.
I take 4 Charcoal tablets a day, 2 and hour before my lunch an hour or two after my tea at night. They seemed to take a while to get into my system and I don't think they would work for me on an occasional basis as you need a slight build up in system to neutralise the excessive wind. I find that I go to toilet more often with taking them, they can either cause constipation or act as a slight laxative so I'm not sure I would recommend to anyone suffering with IBS-D in saying that they do seem to work differently for everyone.