I’ve just finished my triple therapy treatment for h pylori, all the time I was taking the tablets I had no stomach issues, finished the tablets last Thursday and now today Wednesday my stomach issues have come back, is it possible it’s not cleared up yet or something else?
Just finished my triple therapy for h pylori b... - IBS Network
Just finished my triple therapy for h pylori but pains come back 5 days after finishing tablets

Are you still taking your ppi?

No I stopped taking it after my triple treatment
You need to take them for 6-8 weeks in total. Pylori damages the stomach a bit so you need to keep the acid levels down for a few weeks. Then re test after you have stopped the ppi treatment with a minimum two week gap. 4 weeks is better tho. Your doctor would have advised you of this. If not, change your gp

Nope, I’ve spoken to my dr this morning too she said I should feel better now , so told me to change my diet for 2 weeks then if no better have 4 weeks on ppi then after that if no better have to have a camera down my throat to have a look what’s going on , would you get a second opinion if you was me then?
I had 1 week antibiotics x2 plus omeprozole then continued for 7 weeks. Then was booked in for a camera. All was clear but this was months ago. It can take several months to feel anywhere back to how you were. Eat little and often. Don’t eat after 6pm. Drink plenty. Take probiotics as this may help after the antibiotics have stripped out your good bacteria. (Not actimal etc) peppermint caps help. If your offered endoscopy, take it!

Oh why not actimal as I took one of them this morning? What’s good probiotics to take? I’ve been told about peppermint caps so may pop to town and get some of them tomorrow
When I used to take them horrible drinks, my guts felt like a blocked drain. Look up the reviews on them.Holland n Barrett or take a look a this website. Just for tummies
Just to add. When you stop your ppi your reflux will be worse for a while