Having a real flair up of intestinal cramping ooooft buscopan & hot water bottle not working!!! I forget how painful they can be #feeling sorry for my self
Intestinal cramping : Having a real flair up of... - IBS Network
Intestinal cramping
Hi, Did you use buscopan for ibs or for cramps. They are two separate things. If you used the one for cramps and there is no easing of the cramps, try just having a cup of hot water in the mornings when you get up. no coffee, no tea, just water from the kettle. Then if there is still no improvement, go to the doc. It might be something that is not ibs. Good luck
No its deffo ibs iv had it years and was told again at hospital a frw months ago by a gastroenterologist that its def ibs. Iv had the spasms for years i get them when iv overdone it but dont get any warning they are going to happen then usually feel ill for a good week after. Buscopan doesnt really help. Saying that i was refused colonoscopy or endoscopy which wouldv made me feel a whole lot more reaasured. Apparently all bloodworks and symptoms are on a par with ibs diagnosis i have lots of other things going on too but im a stubborn devil and refuse to cut loads of things out of my diet. As far as im concerned im already vegetarian i dont drink smoke or eat rubbish or fizzy juice or caffeine and im dairy free because i want to be lol. So its quite possibly my own fault x
You sound like you have things under control, but, cramps are extremely painful. When I have a bad one, I end up on the toilet floor praying not to pass out from the pain. Getting no warning doesn't help much. Since I started using my grandmothers old recipe I am having them less and less. I could not believe the difference a cup of hot water could make. First thing the morning, a cup of water from the kettle, not tea, no coffee, just the hot water. Remember that wheat based foods can cause cramps too, even chocolate. I know, that's not fair! I limit myself to one piece every other day. Try the hot water thing, and keep your diet healthy and lessen your wheat intake. Good luck for the future. Oh, yes, remember to drink plenty of water every single day, about 2 litres and day.
Hi patricia here I feel for you hun them spasms go really deep thats wat I do reach for the toilet & nearly passing out I find its just food that brings the pain what ever I eat or dont eat you are never free of pain I had ibs for a decade untill now they say its coeliac disease becouse it has the same symptoms as ibs but its a autoimmune disease becos it attacks its own tissue & you lose weight so dont suffer in silence ask for a blood test dont rule it out its a horrible disease I call it a evil pathogen disease take care patricia