My local hospital will not allow me a SIBO test but want a UGI and colonoscopy even though another GI consultant says neither is necessary, a SIBO test and calprotectin test is all that is needed and both available on the NHS. I am scared of the UGI as they offer throat spray only.
UGI B4 SIBO test: My local hospital will not... - IBS Network
UGI B4 SIBO test

Just wondering how you got to see a GI consultant? i asked to get reffered and they said no we will refer for a scan then if it shows norhing then you will just get reffered straight for a colonoscopy. i wanted to get referred to ak for the things you are saying as a consultant knows more than a gp but gp isnt playing the game at all
I wonder if it would help changing your GP. I'm not sure if it's your hospital setting rules for the GPs or if the GP's choosing not to refer you but it sounds like it might be the GP. My GP referred me to a GI consultant at the hospital first, then they decided which tests were needed. However my GP is also a GI consultant at the hospital and when I was referred there the specialist I saw (randomly allocated from a number of specialists) was my own GP! I wasn't totally satisfied with the outcome of that (I was sent for gastroscopy told I had a hiatus hernia and nothing else visibly wrong so got no follow-up appointment at the hospital), and my GP has again referred me back to GI at the hospital for a second opinion; I hope to be able to get them to do a SIBO test, because our hospital does in principle offer those. I already had the calprotectin test done, my GP could offer that one directly from the surgery so I would think yours could also. (It showed no inflammation in my case).
My GP doesn't believe in SIBO and he says NHS hospitals don't but the Consultant who suggested it says some do and they get the kit from Guys.
GP says do FODMAP but that didn't work and probably because the SIBO needed treatment but he says without proof antibiotics are a bad idea. I have yet to find a natural cure that works!
Get a referral for a private SIBO test. It costs about £160.
Have both tests - they're not as bad as you think and the docs will be able to see if there is anything that requires further investigation
Surprised they only offer throat spray, I was offered a choice between that and sedation and I thought that was usual. I was going to go for the throat spray because I hadn't really thought about it but at the last minute I realized what they were going to do and I have a fairly strong gag reflex so I googled it and found a number of people who said it was difficult for them with the spray, so I took the sedation instead. There were also others who agreed with cricketqueen, said breathe deeply and think about something else and it's not so bad. If throat spray had been my only (NHS) option I'd have given it a go though.
You all seem braver than me did you find the outcome helped?
Why is it so diffucilt to get tested for SIBO under the NHS. I asked my GP and he has no clue, wrote back to the gastronlogiest who did my colonsopy - 4 months later and no reply! Ended phoning the gastro department and they have never heard of it.
I believe they do know but as it comes under the ridiculed IBS banner. Doctors also never know about bile reflux or bile diarrhoea.