Hi all,I've just been watching the IBS network convention. I've suffered this dam problem and pain for nigh on 15yrs. I think in that time you can imagine what I've been through for help,it would take all night to write it down.
Now although what I've just been watching,is really just saying "IBS" is accepted now,I'm sorry but,no way do I accept it,it's a syndrome so how can a syndrome have a name.(IBS) if suffering the pain I've suffered over the years is IBS,why can't it be cured.
Because syndrome means multitude of things,measles are measles,Emphesema is Emphesema,ect ect,so tell me someone PLEASE how can a syndrome have a name.
I've suffered this pain daily now for the past 8yrs,gradually getting worse,and from what I learned from what I've been watching is,PAY for a functional medicine dr,and that after all I've been through,now telling us the NHS is struggling,so Google and try and help yourself,I've done all that,and I'm still no further on. I'm not a Gastrologist or a doctor,if I was I would be sitting the other side of the desk. Is this what it's coming to,after me and my hubby have put into this system all our lives. Sorry for the rant it just really annoys me. We want answeres not excuses.