For one year and three months I have suffered from nausea,constipation,stomach pain every day. I also have headache at least four times a week. My doctor is telling me that I have Post Infectious IBS... It all started on a holiday were I started vomiting and I got constipated for 10 days:(. I also got rashes on my legs and around my thyroid gland every time I was out.So we got back home and went to the doctor who sad that I have Post Infectious IBS. I have had a problem with constipation before and stomach pain from time, to time, but it didn't bother me like it does today.. Every morning I wake up with my symptoms and I go to bed with them as well. I even wake up at night because of them I have done colposcopys,gastroscopy,several scans of my stomachs. Ultrasounds on my uterine and I have even done a lumbar puncture and I will soon do another one because my neurologists wants to know that I don't have a too high pressure in my head. I have also done a MRI on my head. We have not yet, excluded the women disease "endometriosis"... Please someone tell me you're thoughts of what I might have, my hole life has stopped I can't even be in the car without almost feel like I will vomit. I can't even go out because I am so I'll. Please i beg, anyone give me some tips or ideas of what I might have.🙏🏻 does this really sound like Post Infectious IBS to you, than please tell me.
Thank you for youre answer in advance